
by August. . 5,522 reads.

Regions Ranked by Delegate Voting Power

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Regions Ranked by Delegate Voting Power
(updated daily)

Due to character limitations, this dispatch only shows delegates with at least five votes. For the full list, use the >delegate_rankings command in any Discord server with AugustinAndroid v3.
pallaith, tepertopia, kethania, aivintis, giovanniland, east_durthang, imperium_anglorum, north_east_somerset, malphe_ii, le_libertia, treadwellia, macrasetia, minskiev, socialist_platypus, sylh_alanor, podria, sunipi, vinslott, ruinenlust, south_boston_irishmen, vulcan_ssr, gila_monster, sparsdan, lesser_velutaria, saint_tomas_and_the_northern_ice_islands, the_litterbox, creeperopolis, shrewllamaland, the_glorious_hypetrain, penguin_dictators, vancouvia, tesdai, toonela, bearded_dragones, student_loan_debt, new_united_common-lands, new_asden, paramountica, mikeswill, eulumia, new_nationale_einheit, the_salaxalans, nulkia, candensia, octal, kundu, hindu_ram_rajya, mocha, araznan, united_slavik_states, particle, oogway, glorious_wakanda, casl, herya, tinhampton, potenzia, sanctaria, dabberwocky, battadia, eldance, aerlion, mechanocracy, greater_vietnam, parkplace, technocratic_terra, fachumonn, tostandia, orioni_2, rotasu_in_flight, aynia_moreaux, james_forsyte_ii, ciscannia, sheikhun, roma_sparta, felix_femboi, uponda, calnodia, rain_delay, miraco, sheepiania, newtexas, levoria, east_chimore, roylaii, phillippeland, khovezzem, bering, kingdom_of_englands, shanlix, suter, boane, lennonia, gideon, corresta, ifrimia, americatain, aawia, cruciland, new_roheau_gallis, josephtan, mlociniakik, deskoslovakia, cappedore, candanadium, yoriz, polanas, ventus_prime, losconia, qamari, korgonsk, thee_imperium_0f_man, baloo_kingdom, albiorix, the_stalker, northalbion, somersetonia, rayo_de_sol, big_germania, novi_comi_res_publica, greater_cuba, oi_barbaroi, swiftlandian_peoples_republic, sicias, lawid, nordfert, nogodia, ridgefielders, penguania_and_antarctica, hydroponic_nation, greica, ciphage, isaris, funkadelia, eutania, the_scottish_republic, atlantian_oceania, the_democratic_nation_of_unovia, axorian, zvlokiquix, the_voltarum, new_spina_nitedold, new_delfos, unified_columbia, ashenov, yermaney, seludong, the_sheika, el_tejon, hohnwechsen, plunderer_paradise, qastari, ko-oren, oliveriaa, eura, ktchenia, draganisia, federal_republic_of_socialsts, the_united_kingdom_of_december, magical_girl_emi, borrin_quen, shunhao, toriniall, romaniche, arkkine, gandharasila, swadonland, chickenfoots, ambassador_of_sao_paulo_do_norte_wa, avayen, solariia, his_excellency, head_chembaron, orca_and_narwhal, carstantinopipal, gladys_and_the_drowning_fish, the_bolivian_socialist_falange, girania, kasase, north_keyton, hajirah, orennica, albarusija, molphy, south_sulphur, roznepal, brocklandia, east_diegustasta, omegashenron, free_city_of_rigia, monke_bay, tai_pei, morover, franche_comte, kronomia, demonic_satan, vegaga, palsada, lycantine, jean_rowe, zarbik, miklozia, achkaerin, the_soviet_state_of_svalbard, holy_plazia, theruhr, haaton_prime, the_great_hedgehogs, socianesia, lamoni, the_hard_part, the_licentian_isles, holy_indonesian, tahmapsian_iran, mytzonia, maplestan, casstelia, crawlaysia, tatarica, kekdom, lurusitania, edropia, ocean_point, peoples_republic_of_people, auxorii, edmundian_pluto, wadelhelpia, german_dragons, calamari_lands, kingdom_of_araton, gatchina, scotlandserenity, acaciatropole, asian_lands, cryptarin, kaeyoku, polarea, golanchia, dephire, gagium, the_greastest_nation, tanzanique, fujiwa, west_xanathananos, zachtia, slacaria, holy_roman_empires2, kansani, djisland, bisexual_frogs, midshire, coldheartedbastards, wobbegong, northern_estern_west_plain, kater_cas, uss_merrimack, nopengie, borglestan, afsharid_persia, jute, matonis, prophesia, neru, dow_salold_islands, the_palentine, featherrock, new_aryako_eurbadilweld, volydovnia, the_papal_county_of_derbyshire, landfield, eitvidania, charlie_west, eyecolour, lunarossa, republic_of_porrim_latula_and_meulin, hetairaea, kawther, east_mindoor, madrocea, lezxistan, julantis, omniabstracta, microoceania, hyreen, san_lumen, zergadnkastan, minimark
1. The North Pacific: Pallaith (1202 votes)

2. the South Pacific: Tepertopia (749 votes)

3. The Communist Bloc: Kethania (664 votes)

4. The East Pacific: Aivintis (654 votes)

5. the West Pacific: Giovanniland (633 votes)

6. the Pacific: East Durthang (541 votes)

7. Europe: Imperium Anglorum (411 votes)

8. Balder: North East Somerset (300 votes)

9. Osiris: Malphe II (258 votes)

10. Europeia: Le Libertia (257 votes)

11. Lazarus: Treadwellia (248 votes)

12. 10000 Islands: Macrasetia (241 votes)

13. the Rejected Realms: Minskiev (223 votes)

14. Conch Kingdom: Socialist Platypus (199 votes)

15. Refugia: Sylh Alanor (181 votes)

16. The Leftist Assembly: Podria (178 votes)

17. Thaecia: Sunipi (129 votes)

18. Nordic Lands: Vinslott (108 votes)

19. Forest: Ruinenlust (106 votes)

20. United Kingdom: South Boston Irishmen (97 votes)

21. Federation of Martian Colonies: Vulcan SSR (94 votes)

22. Realm of the Whispering Winds: Gila Monster (92 votes)

23. The Free Nations Region: Sparsdan (91 votes)

24. Anteria: Lesser Velutaria (90 votes)

25. The Order of the Grey Wardens: Saint Tomas and the Northern Ice Islands (89 votes)

26. Karma: The Litterbox (84 votes)

27. The League: Creeperopolis (81 votes)

28. Confederation of Corrupt Dictators: ShrewLlamaLand (79 votes)

29. The Union of Democratic States: The Glorious Hypetrain (79 votes)

30. Wintreath: Penguin Dictators (78 votes)

31. The Western Isles: Vancouvia (77 votes)

32. Lands End: TESDAI (76 votes)

33. The Social Liberal Union: Toonela (70 votes)

34. Cape of Good Hope: Bearded Dragones (64 votes)

35. Democratic Socialist Assembly: Student Loan Debt (62 votes)

36. The Region That Has No Big Banks: New United Common-lands (62 votes)

37. The Kodiak Republic: New Asden (58 votes)

38. Commonwealth of Liberty: Paramountica (57 votes)

39. NationStates: Mikeswill (56 votes)

40. Geopolity: Eulumia (53 votes)

41. Declansburg: New Nationale Einheit (53 votes)

42. Spiritus: The Salaxalans (52 votes)

43. The Land of Kings and Emperors: Nulkia (50 votes)

44. The Hole To Hide In: Candensia (48 votes)

45. Capitalist Paradise: Octal (47 votes)

46. Gay: Kundu (42 votes)

47. India: Hindu Ram Rajya (41 votes)

48. The Glorious Nations of Iwaku: Mocha (41 votes)

49. The Eternal Order: Araznan (39 votes)

50. The Frontier: United Slavik States (39 votes)

51. Yggdrasil: Particle (38 votes)

52. Valley of Peace: Oogway (38 votes)

53. Flanelistan: Glorious Wakanda (38 votes)

54. Stargate: Casl (37 votes)

55. Portugal: Herya (34 votes)

56. Sophia: Tinhampton (32 votes)

57. Liberal Democratic Union: Potenzia (30 votes)

58. International Democratic Union: Sanctaria (29 votes)

59. The United Federations: Dabberwocky (28 votes)

60. Force: Battadia (28 votes)

61. Forum Fantasia: Eldance (27 votes)

62. The Amaranthine Isles: Aerlion (27 votes)

63. Concord: Mechanocracy (27 votes)

64. The Internationale: Greater Vietnam (26 votes)

65. Canada: Parkplace (26 votes)

66. Cyrannus Star System: Technocratic Terra (26 votes)

67. Libertarian Socialist Confederation: Fachumonn (26 votes)

68. Eientei Gensokyo: Tostandia (25 votes)

69. Eurth: Orioni 2 (25 votes)

70. Sky Haven: Rotasu in flight (25 votes)

71. Caer Sidi: Aynia Moreaux (25 votes)

72. Empire of Great Britain: James Forsyte II (24 votes)

73. Kavonia: Ciscannia (23 votes)

74. Red Wolf Alliance: Sheikhun (23 votes)

75. Enadia: Roma Sparta (23 votes)

76. Thegye: Felix Femboi (22 votes)

77. Wintercrest: Uponda (22 votes)

78. OmniOne: Calnodia (21 votes)

79. The Invaders: Rain Delay (21 votes)

80. European Union: Miraco (21 votes)

81. Liberty Democratic Alliance: Sheepiania (20 votes)

82. Texas: NewTexas (20 votes)

83. UNG: Levoria (20 votes)

84. Merciam: East Chimore (19 votes)

85. Aros Elyium: Roylaii (19 votes)

86. Kartakis: Phillippeland (19 votes)

87. The Alliance of Dictators: Khovezzem (19 votes)

88. Confederacy of Allied States: Bering (17 votes)

89. Institute of Cellulose: Kingdom Of Englands (17 votes)

90. Philosophers: Shanlix (17 votes)

91. RGBN: Suter (17 votes)

92. Arcesia: Boane (16 votes)

93. The DankLeft Commune: Lennonia (15 votes)

94. Union of Christian Nations: Gideon (15 votes)

95. Summer Forest: Corresta (15 votes)

96. The Pangaean Union: Ifrimia (14 votes)

97. South Pacific: Americatain (14 votes)

98. Right to Life: Aawia (14 votes)

99. Fifth Empire: Cruciland (14 votes)

100. The Union of Fairer Nations: New Roheau Gallis (14 votes)

101. New Western Empire: Josephtan (14 votes)

102. Palatine: Mlociniakik (14 votes)

103. Coldonia: Deskoslovakia (13 votes)

104. Amaranth: Cappedore (13 votes)

105. The Democratika: Candanadium (13 votes)

106. Anarchy: YoriZ (13 votes)

107. The League of Conservative Voices: Polanas (13 votes)

108. New West Indies: Ventus Prime (12 votes)

109. Democritus: Losconia (12 votes)

110. Sildoria: Qamari (12 votes)

111. the Union of Wreath and Rose: Korgonsk (12 votes)

112. Chicken overlords: Thee Imperium 0f Man (12 votes)

113. Callista: Baloo Kingdom (12 votes)

114. International Northwestern Union: Albiorix (12 votes)

115. Hell: The Stalker (12 votes)

116. Rise Of Nations Wiki Alliance: Northalbion (12 votes)

117. Somersetonia: Somersetonia (12 votes)

118. Lone Wolves United: Rayo de Sol (12 votes)

119. KAISERREICH: Big Germania (12 votes)

120. Catholic: Novi comi res publica (12 votes)

121. USSR: Greater Cuba (12 votes)

122. Niamark: Oi Barbaroi (12 votes)

123. The Labyrinth: Swiftlandian Peoples Republic (11 votes)

124. Union of Allied States: Sicias (11 votes)

125. Asterya: Lawid (11 votes)

126. Allied States of United IWS: Nordfert (11 votes)

127. CISB: Nogodia (11 votes)

128. Ridgefield: Ridgefielders (11 votes)

129. The Confederacy of Free Nations: Penguania and Antarctica (11 votes)

130. Wysteria: Hydroponic Nation (11 votes)

131. Prudentia: Greica (10 votes)

132. Aelstun: Ciphage (10 votes)

133. Equilism: Isaris (10 votes)

134. Lower Kingdom: Funkadelia (10 votes)

135. Scandinavia: Eutania (10 votes)

136. Heart: The Scottish Republic (10 votes)

137. Atlantian Oceania: Atlantian Oceania (10 votes)

138. New World Union: The democratic nation of unovia (10 votes)

139. belgium: Axorian (10 votes)

140. Aeyrgia: Zvlokiquix (10 votes)

141. Antarctica: The Voltarum (10 votes)

142. Sonindia: New spina nitedold (10 votes)

143. Taijitu: New Delfos (10 votes)

144. Citizens Alliance of Democracy: Unified columbia (10 votes)

145. USSD: Ashenov (10 votes)

146. Deutschland: Yermaney (9 votes)

147. Philippines: Seludong (9 votes)

148. Absolution: The Sheika (9 votes)

149. The Sasquatch Republic: El Tejon (9 votes)

150. Monbalaur: Hohnwechsen (9 votes)

151. ELITE: Plunderer paradise (9 votes)

152. Selene: Qastari (9 votes)

153. Anaia: Ko-oren (9 votes)

154. The Alliance of Eros: Oliveriaa (9 votes)

155. Rushmore: Eura (9 votes)

156. Blackstar: Ktchenia (9 votes)

157. St Abbaddon: Draganisia (9 votes)

158. The Orange Order: Federal republic of socialsts (9 votes)

159. The Western Commonwealth: The United Kingdom of December (9 votes)

160. Sparkalia: Magical Girl Emi (9 votes)

161. Groland: Borrin Quen (9 votes)

162. Union de Naciones Latinas e Ibericas: Shunhao (8 votes)

163. United States of America: Toriniall (8 votes)

164. Saeculum Obscurum: Romaniche (8 votes)

165. The Israeli Free Front: Arkkine (8 votes)

166. The Democratic Republic: Gandharasila (8 votes)

167. Nopereich: Swadonland (8 votes)

168. Calradias Finest: Chickenfoots (8 votes)

169. Unidos Brasileiros: Ambassador of sao paulo do norte wa (8 votes)

170. Grace of Gaia: Avayen (8 votes)

171. Autropolis: Solariia (8 votes)

172. Communist Cartel: His Excellency (8 votes)

173. The Glorious Evolution: Head Chembaron (8 votes)

174. The Great North: Orca and Narwhal (8 votes)

175. The United Empires of Carson: Carstantinopipal (8 votes)

176. Britannia Prima: Gladys and the drowning fish (8 votes)

177. United Fascist Workers Association: The Bolivian Socialist Falange (8 votes)

178. Novo Brasil: Girania (8 votes)

179. Odrya: Kasase (8 votes)

180. The Potato Union: North Keyton (8 votes)

181. New Warsaw Pact: Hajirah (8 votes)

182. The Slide Countries: Orennica (8 votes)

183. ITALIA: Albarusija (8 votes)

184. The Everlasting Kawaii Empire: Molphy (8 votes)

185. North America: South Sulphur (7 votes)

186. Discornesia: Roznepal (7 votes)

187. The Bar on the corner of every region: Brocklandia (7 votes)

188. Angels Encarmine: East diegustasta (7 votes)

189. Anime: OmegaShenron (7 votes)

190. New Westphalia: Free city of rigia (7 votes)

191. Soils Sails and Science: Monke bay (7 votes)

192. Celtia: Tai Pei (7 votes)

193. Warzone Sandbox: Morover (7 votes)

194. Oatland: Franche Comte (7 votes)

195. Libertas: Kronomia (7 votes)

196. sus is mildly sus my guy: DeMoNiC sAtAn (7 votes)

197. Latinoamerica Libre: Vegaga (7 votes)

198. Roman Byzantine Union: Palsada (7 votes)

199. Anegana: Lycantine (7 votes)

200. Warzone Asia: Jean Rowe (7 votes)

201. Just relax: Zarbik (7 votes)

202. United Alliance: Miklozia (7 votes)

203. Independent Order: Achkaerin (7 votes)

204. Northern Utopia: The Soviet state of Svalbard (7 votes)

205. IADN: Holy plazia (7 votes)

206. Tarkin: TheRuhr (7 votes)

207. Japan: Haaton Prime (7 votes)

208. Capitalism Land: The Great Hedgehogs (7 votes)

209. south east asia: Socianesia (7 votes)

210. Greater Dienstad: Lamoni (7 votes)

211. Equinox: The Hard Part (7 votes)

212. Esportiva: The licentian isles (7 votes)

213. United Mapgame Nations: Holy Indonesian (7 votes)

214. Vistulia: Tahmapsian iran (7 votes)

215. The Allied Republic: Mytzonia (7 votes)

216. Pax Britannia: Maplestan (7 votes)

217. Artificial Solar System: Casstelia (7 votes)

218. Union of Free Nations: Crawlaysia (6 votes)

219. Middle Earth: Tatarica (6 votes)

220. Calamarilli: Kekdom (6 votes)

221. Union Mundial: Lurusitania (6 votes)

222. Laraniem: Edropia (6 votes)

223. Divine Mandate of Sanctum: Ocean point (6 votes)

224. United Landon Confederation: Peoples republic of people (6 votes)

225. Libertatem: Auxorii (6 votes)

226. The Interdimensional Community: Edmundian Pluto (6 votes)

227. Nudist Dreamland: Wadelhelpia (6 votes)

228. Lux Immortalem: German dragons (6 votes)

229. Mariner Trench: Calamari lands (6 votes)

230. Tinaiaya: Kingdom of araton (6 votes)

231. Krasnaya: Gatchina (6 votes)

232. Krillin: ScotlandSerenity (6 votes)

233. Enowiden: Acaciatropole (6 votes)

234. Kantrias: Asian Lands (6 votes)

235. Hartfelden: Cryptarin (6 votes)

236. UN UNITED NATIONS: Kaeyoku (6 votes)

237. Arctic: Polarea (6 votes)

238. North Korea: Golanchia (6 votes)

239. Gholgoth: Dephire (6 votes)

240. Manala: Gagium (6 votes)

241. Inferno Stellaria: The Greastest Nation (6 votes)

242. Africa: Tanzanique (5 votes)

243. Artemis: Fujiwa (5 votes)

244. Jafazia: West xanathananos (5 votes)

245. Equestria: Zachtia (5 votes)

246. Morpheus: Slacaria (5 votes)

247. The Monarchy alliance: Holy Roman Empires2 (5 votes)

248. Bhaal Sahckia: Kansani (5 votes)

249. Providemist Pacific: Djisland (5 votes)

250. Dark Lady: Bisexual frogs (5 votes)

251. Gay Equality: Midshire (5 votes)

252. Gatesville Inc: ColdHeartedBastards (5 votes)

253. The United Islands of the Atlantic: Wobbegong (5 votes)

254. Fediverse: Northern estern west plain (5 votes)

255. The Maritimes: Kater cas (5 votes)

256. Warzone Europe: USS Merrimack (5 votes)

257. ravana: Nopengie (5 votes)

258. The Kuiper belt: Borglestan (5 votes)

259. Greater Middle East: Afsharid Persia (5 votes)

260. Renegade Islands Alliance: Jute (5 votes)

261. Psychotic Dictatorships: Matonis (5 votes)

262. Waifu: Prophesia (5 votes)

263. The Commonwealth of Crowns: Neru (5 votes)

264. The Commonwealth of South Hydo Islands: Dow Salold Islands (5 votes)

265. Antarctic Oasis: The Palentine (5 votes)

266. Coalition of Crown Albatross: Featherrock (5 votes)

267. Empire of the ancients: New Aryako Eurbadilweld (5 votes)

268. Strelandia: Volydovnia (5 votes)

269. England: The papal county of derbyshire (5 votes)

270. Newlandia: Landfield (5 votes)

271. Confederation of Steel States: Eitvidania (5 votes)

272. The Immaterial Plane: Charlie west (5 votes)

273. Hannah: Eyecolour (5 votes)

274. rinascita: Lunarossa (5 votes)

275. Great Tomb of Nazarick: Republic of Porrim Latula and Meulin (5 votes)

276. Project Snowscape: Hetairaea (5 votes)

277. United Empire of Islam: Kawther (5 votes)

278. Mindoorian Federation: East Mindoor (5 votes)

279. Atlantis: Madrocea (5 votes)

280. The Federal Corbies: Lezxistan (5 votes)

281. Nova Union: Julantis (5 votes)

282. Kerbin: Omniabstracta (5 votes)

283. The Collective Security Pact: Microoceania (5 votes)

284. The CBU: Hyreen (5 votes)

285. Mediterranean: San Lumen (5 votes)

286. The Great Experiment: Zergadnkastan (5 votes)

287. Region Name: Minimark (5 votes)

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