
Governor: The Triune Circle of The Eternal Starlight

WA Delegate (non-executive): The Empire of Vintrel (elected )

Founder: The Triune Circle of The Eternal Starlight

Last WA Update:

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 162nd Most Nations: 250th Most Valuable International Artwork: 2,134th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the Luminous Triarchy of Starlight ☄️
In a starless night, we are the light!

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🌠 Starlight News 🌠

Embassies: Stars Above, Blue Ridge, The Sasquatch Republic, Declansburg, Lazarus, RGBN, Anteria, Ridgefield, Cape of Good Hope, The League, and The Order of the Grey Wardens.

Tags: Anti-Fascist, Casual, Cyberpunk, Defender, Enormous, FT: FTL, Fantasy Tech, Feminist, Future Tech, LGBT, Magical, Map, and 9 others.Multi-Species, Offsite Chat, Outer Space, Post-Modern Tech, Regional Government, Role Player, Silly, Social, and World Assembly.

Starlight contains 133 nations, the 250th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Most Patriotic in Starlight

World Census data collectors measured the fervor with which citizens believed their own nation was the greatest of all.

As a region, Starlight is ranked 7,773rd in the world for Most Patriotic.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Worker's Union of LivenkencheeDemocratic Socialists“The All Tomorrows Socialist Union!”
2.The Rogue Nation of GSN72Iron Fist Consumerists“Tiocfaidh ár lá”
3.The Technocracy of The Singularity CoreInoffensive Centrist Democracy“I do not fear computers; I fear the lack of them”
4.The Nekanan Kingdom of MissouriaFather Knows Best State“Don’t fret over trivial matters.”
5.The Lesbian Soldier's Republic of Isla ByronBenevolent Dictatorship“Kick Ass and Kiss Girls”
6.The Democratic United Islands of Pellon WesaurpsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Ad Astra per Aspera”
7.The Green Dominion of SpotsyltopiaIron Fist Consumerists“You Can't Stop Progress”
8.The Federal Kingdom of Northern American Federated StatesCorrupt Dictatorship“All Hail the Sovereign Kingdom”
9.The Unions Républiques of PizhralchkaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“United by faith, defended by strength.”
10.The Anarchan Free Territories of Anarchan Free TerritoriesInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Mother Anarcha Loves her children”
1234. . .1314»

Regional Poll • Is ignorance bliss?

The Galactic Empire of Lumeris wrote:Is it more blissful to be unaware of the truth, or to know the truth and facts of our reality? Answer the poll with your opinion, and come debate it on the RMB! Poll idea from Zerph!

Voting opened 1 day 23 hours ago and will close . Open to all nations. You cannot vote as you are not logged in.

Recent polls: “Trivia”“Are there absolute moral laws?”“If you were stranded on an island, what would you want the most?”

Regional Happenings


Starlight Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

The Republic of Spaceship Earth

Maradji, Pro-Fish-Land

Welcome to Starlight! Here is how to get started!

Join the World Assembly and endorse Vintrel to become Starborn!

Join our Discord:

Check out our Welcome Guide, Roleplay and the Galactic Armada

I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here and don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need help!

Welcome Again! - Spaceship Earth Minister of Integration

The Republic of Spaceship Earth


Over the course of less than a week. Starlight gained many embassies from many major regions across NationStates.

On January 9th, 2025 - Starlight establishes and embassy with its first Augustin Alliance region Anteria starting diplomatic relations with the Augustin Alliance.

On January 9th, 2025 - Starlight and Blue Ridge sign a treaty with each other called Eternally Enlightened Explorers

On January 10th, 2025 - Cape of Good Hope and Ridgefield two other Augustin Alliance regions quickly follow behind and establishes embassies with Starlight.

On January 11th, 2025 - Starlight establishes embassies with The League. One of the biggest embassy wins for Starlight

On January 13th, 2025 - Starlight establishes embassies with The Order of The Grey Wardens another massive embassy win for Starlight.

What an amazing history Starlight has had. It is just the beginning.

Read dispatch

Starlight has just announced that 0cala/Paige has become our new Deputy Minister of Culture! Congratulate her when you have the chance! Her job is to make sure the duties of the Minister of Culture are successfully done and help out when the Minister of Culture is unavailable.

Also, you can become part of the Ministry of Culture! As of January 19th, you can apply to help out the Minister of Culture plan out events, give poll ideas and a whole lot more creative work! So if your into that apply!

Read dispatch

Surprise! Double drop of Starlight Chapters! Enjoy!

Magically Yours,
Spaceship Earth
Starlight’s Unofficially Named Historian
Minister of Integration

The Ice Cream Fanatics of Oseao

Good morning Starlight, how are you all today?

The Matriarchy of Triune Circle

Starlight Featured Nation of the Day: The Starlight Recruiter of The Duck that Meows
Motto: 'Join Starlight!'
Population: 3,320 Millions
GDP: 197,606,175,919,867.00

Join us on Discord for more engagement:

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The Matriarchy of Triune Circle

Pro-Fish-Land, Keknation, Bacchos, Eoliria, Chases Land, Bluen coaten

Welcome to Starlight! Here is how to get started!

Join the World Assembly and endorse Vintrel to become Starborn!

Join our Discord:

Check out our Welcome Guide, Roleplay and the Galactic Armada

We sincerely hope you enjoy your time here and do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need help!

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The Federation of Hjem System

War stuff
Hjem's invasion is underway, but has suffered several devastating defeats at the hands of the Hellenic Authority, having already lost several trillion dollars in damages and twenty eight thousand dead.

Published March 8th, 4011
Authored by Zoran Šiljan
Several lunar invasion fail, massive casualties during first months of war with Hellas

This war has already been disastrous. Grand Lieutenant Ratimir Stevanović, a former politician turned top military official through his political connections, was placed in charge of the first act of the Federal Defense Force's plan for invasion, to seize the planet of Dionysus and it's moons.

While he was successful in this, it came at the cost of fifteen trillion dollars worth of damages, with over sixty percent of starships under his command having been destroyed despite having significantly better ships, and more than double the number of enemy ships. The total amount of Hjemi soldiers lost during this is eight thousand while Hellas suffered one and a half thousand.

Two other former politicians turned Generals from obvious corruption, Novak Sandić and Damir Šaponjić, were tasked with the invasion of two moons of the planet Ares and Angelos of the planet Hera and lost horribly, both being completely repelled by Hellenic forces and ending with a combined twenty thousand casualties, with Hellenic casualties numbering eight thousand.

The Federal Defense Force is plagued with high ranking members only obtaining their positions of power through corruption and connections and not their skill, training and acknowledge, causing much incompetence. All three of these military commanders have had no grasp of military tactics, and if I had to guess, have refused the suggestions and counsel of those with actual tactical knowledge.

And furthermore, Governor Kral has been involved with the murder of one of his own Cabinet members, Foreign Minister Tkachuk. While he now says the private evil shown by the Hellenic Authority was the poisoning of Tkachuk, the Minister's own family says not only did he return home from negotiations, but that he had been paranoid afterwards and told his wife he was afraid he was going to die after he gave Kral his resignation papers which is why he was absent in the public eye for quite some time but last week he told her he was going to meet with Kral and has not returned.

We are heading down a dangerous path. We already know despite the debate period being extended that the draft will end up being enacted, and a motion to skip debate has already been made.

Read dispatch

As war between the villainous Hellenic Authority, protests strike across our grand Federation against the war. These protests only ramped up over Congress deliberating over enacting a draft. These protests will make the process even longer as the debate period has been expanded further and further.

While peaceful protests against conflict is not necessarily a bad thing, they have been completely co-opted by the left. Free Vulteria, the Galaxy Club and other left terror groups have begun organizing and fighting against local law enforcement and military divisions sent to protect the communities protests have arisen. Ten officers have been murdered by the Galactic Militia during these protests, causing more men to be put on the ground, serving to heighten tensions and violence due to their actions.

Even on the battlefield, two well know liberal Generals, Novak Sandić and Damir Šaponjić, have lost us ten thousand soldiers each in attempted invasions of the moons of Hera, Ares and Angelos, while former Governor of Orken, Grand Lieutenant Ratimir Stevanović, successfully led the invasion of the gas giant Dionysus and all twenty of it's moons.

We have been utterly humiliated on the Galactic stage in this defeat and from this internal strife at home, and we all know who is to blame. Governor Kral should, no, Governor Kral must crack down harder, truly bring down the hammer, against these traitors threatening the peace at home and remove leftists from positions of leadership within the Federal Defense Force as to prevent us from further losses in this war.

In related news, Governor Kral has revealed by what he meant by "These savages have shown us in private their teeth," giving us the unfortunate news that Minister of Foreign Affairs, Klatko Tkachuk, has died, having been poisoned by the Hellenic authorities over negotiations not going their way, which is what we know now to have kickstarted the conflict.

Read dispatch

The Holy Empire of Eastern Arba Fir

Hey Everyone!

The Republic of 0cala should be banjected in starlight

hi I'm new to the game

The Galactic Empire of Lumeris

Eastern Arba Fir wrote:Hey Everyone!

Hello and welcome to Starlight, we're delighted to have you!

0cala should be banjected in starlight wrote:hi I'm new to the game

Welcome to Starlight :P

The Commonwealth of Cheloniar

Another day Another Salvage Pt2

Arik had been awoken by the sound of her room coms chirping. She had been dreaming of retirement on Cheloniar Prime.

"What?" She asked groggily scratching her sideburns and rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Cap'n we're five minutes out from the Byzar we're picking up another ship." Responded her first mate.

Arik shot up from her bunk quickly. "I'll be there soon put the ship on alert...Arvo!" Arik grabbed her coat as she passed her chair and opened the door and began to sprint down the corridor towards the bridge.

Cheloniarians weren't made for running but they could sprint short distances. As she went the lights dimmed and red lights began to pulse and an alarm began to sound. Crewmen sprinted past heading for action stations quick as their legs could carry them. Arik unsealed the deadbolt to the bridge and entered.

"What's the situation Arvo?" She asked between gritted teeth.

"No clear picture yet they aren't in range of external cameras yet but scans indicate a second ship near our mark." Arvo responded quickly as she watcher Arik take her seat.

"Weapons stations report ready captain." Reported Gann head of ship security.

Arik nodded her thanks to both, though her ship the Solja was not a military vessel by any standard, all Cheloniarians had military backgrounds thanks to Cheloniar law requiring all to serve three years in one of flur Cheloniar Military branches or sub branches. Amd sp the Solja was more than capable of defending itself. Most likely this other ship was as well if it too were crewed by Cheloniarians. Which meant this would not be pretty if fighting broke out between them.

"Gann order the armory opened and have weapons passed out if we are boarded we need to be ready.

Gann nodded and pressed a button, a blue light began flashing and intercoms blared to open the armories and for all crew to arm themselves. Weapons within a few seconds were brought to the bridge. Each one had name tags attached to them and so were delivered with no mistaking whose was whose. Again Arik nodded her thanks as she laid the shotgun across her lap and belted her knife sheath and axe on the opposite hip.

The next three minutes passed like an eternity. As they neared final two minutes comsman Manta spoke up from her station behind Arik.

"Captain we are recieving a hail.." She reported.

"Let's hear it."

The vessel had no screens so audio would have to be done. "This is Captain Arik Ruvon of the Cheloniar Salvage Guild ship Solja, you are salvaging without permit which is a violation of article 45 of the Guild Charter pull off or you will be fired upon.

There was silence for a moment and then a gruff voice spoke up. "Salvage Guild? Neva eard o ya!" The voice said. I know ya are Cheloniarian an I don fall unda your jurestiction."

"Eplain yourself!" Arik snapped loosing her composure at the blatant disrespect spoken by the voice.

"Bugga off this Stroider terf ya enterin" The voice answered.

Arik looked to her bridge crew it was Gann who had an answer he nodded to Manta who muted the feed.

"The guild warned of tensions between the Salvage Guild and the Mining guess is that these are Asteroid miners from the Rim Belt..." Gann said quickly then nodded to Manta who unmuted the feed long enough for all to hear the tail end of a tyraid of curses and insults.

"Atention Stroider pull off and return to the Rim Belt where you belong." Arik said with a hint of malice in her tone hopeing the Miner would listen.

"Ya ha t catch me firs an I got ya Salvage."

"Captain the Byzar and the Mining vessel are moving off at sublight..." Arvo reported unable to hide the shock in her tone.

Arik growled..."You have no Salvage rights Miner return our Salvage now or we will have no choice but to-" Arik was interrupted by Manta who was also surprised.

"He disconnected coms..." Manta reported. "He can't hear us..."

"Lay in a pursuit course they won't take our mark full speed!"

"Aye aye!" Responded the helmsman pushing Solja's engine throttle to all ahead full.

Solja's sublight boosters responded, inertia dampeners were switched off after the burn and Solja sped after the Mining vessel and the Byzar. Arik remained on the bridge and weapons remained passed out. A message was sent to the Salvage Guild headquarters on Cheloniar Prime Arik hoped negotiations in the interrim to the Rim Belt woud make this insane Miners to cease their interruption to business.

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