Ultimate Potato Republic

Potato Pope (Governor): The Potato-Pope of United Desri

WA Delegate (non-executive): The Potato-Pope of United Desri (elected )

Founder: The Potato-Pope of United Desri

Last WA Update:

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 166th Most Valuable International Artwork: 842nd Most Nations: 941st
World Factbook Entry


This region, Ultimate Potato Republic, is home to many many potatoes, and would like nothing else but to spread the starchy vegetable to all who need it!
This region has quite a large amount of history if you are interested!
If you wish to run for a position, please look at this page for information.
Also, any questions about the rules can be answered here. For any further questions please telegram United Desri or The Drampas.
Featured: 1/23/25, 5/13/23
Current recruitment status: Not Sending Telegrams
Current WA Suggestions:
Security Council:
General Assembly:

  1. 1


    BulletinNews by United Desri . 11 reads.

  2. 4


    BulletinPolicy by United Desri . 59 reads.

  3. 5

    Embassy Policy

    BulletinPolicy by United Desri . 64 reads.

Embassies: The Embassy, Land Of Nations, The Empire of Kierania, Kommuland, Pontbridge Islands, Guinea Kiribati, Ulaanbaatar, Organization of United Sovereign States, Divided Nations of Earth, Regionless, Key Results Union, Hollow Point, Groland, Anti Anime Association, Gypsy Lands, Christmas, and 6 others.Novus Ordo Seclorum, United States of America, Cinderia, Effort, The Roan Dynasty, and Valdoria.

Tags: Casual, Defender, Featured, Medium, Security Council, and World Assembly.

Ultimate Potato Republic contains 27 nations, the 941st most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Smartest Citizens in Ultimate Potato Republic

The World Census eavesdropped on conversations in coffee shops, on campuses, and around cinemas in order to determine which nations have the most quick-witted, insightful, and knowledgeable citizens.

As a region, Ultimate Potato Republic is ranked 18,259th in the world for Smartest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Crocheted peoples of Hackey-sackInoffensive Centrist Democracy“We are pretty good”
2.The United Republic of The DrampasInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Sit populus decernere”
3.The Federal Republic of KazackhistanLiberal Democratic Socialists“Big corporation = Good environment…right?”
4.The Republic of PosorAnarchy“Blick Sum, Hit Sum”
5.The Republic of ToadleLiberal Democratic Socialists“How do I do this?”
6.The People's Republic of TapiocaIron Fist Consumerists“Bubble tea is superior”
7.The Prefecture of TakachihoConservative Democracy“天皇陛下万歳”
8.The United States of The Brazilian AmericasCapitalist Paradise“From the Books Victory!”
9.The Democratic Republic of FellcariaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“All lives are worth living.”
10.The Republic of JuniasDemocratic Socialists“Sounds Like a Conspiracy To Me. . . ”

Regional Happenings


Ultimate Potato Republic Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

The Wild pack of Featured painted dog

Hackey-sack wrote:I finally got my first s4 legendary!

Congratulations 🎉

The Potato-Pope of United Desri

This is crazy, being featured only ten days apart! wow

The Travelling Casino of Puppet State 777

Unthinkable as it is, the day had came
1 in 2500 odds, you've just overcome
Plethora of regions, you've bested them all.
On this day, your name shall be plastered on the wall.

For in all of time, people have told
That with three sevens, luck will unfold
The stars align for a fate heard through preachers
Congratulations on being featured!

*sets up 🎰*

Also featured again

The Crocheted peoples of Hackey-sack

I believe that i should be the foreign minister because you should vote for me

via Valdoria

The Empire of Great-Thandoria

Hello, Ultimate Potato Republic I am from Europeia/Valdoria and just wanted to inform you that I have submitted a proposal for the General Assembly


I hope you can support this proposal and any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated.

Have a nice day :)

The Potato-Pope of United Desri

For my Vice Delegate, I would like to appoint Gamblerland.

via Valdoria

The United Kingdom of Prythiann

This chat is deader than Michael Jackson.

The Potato-Pope of United Desri

Prythiann wrote:This chat is deader than Michael Jackson.

Ok, but do you have potatoes?

The Crocheted peoples of Hackey-sack


The Federal Republic of Kazackhistan


Forum View