Sunset Shimmer

Governor: The Republic of ERNS Sunset Shimmer

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Republic of ERNS Sunset Shimmer

Last WA Update:

Most Nations: 38th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 2,528th Largest Manufacturing Sector: 2,783rd+1
Most Patriotic: 2,799th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the region of Sunset Shimmer, a region named after the best pony of all time!

Thanks to our bacon-haired overlord, puppetmaster Triseria has managed to accumulate the second most Tractor Parts in the world during both World Trade Fairs (2022 and 2023), only being bested by the entirety of Raider Unity in 2022 and Lily in 2023 respectively, and was the second region to ever hit 2k of a resource while being the first solo region to ever hit the 1k mark! He also managed to snag a second place spot with Anime Nations Against Liberals in N-Day 2022, and placed top 40 in Z-Day for Most Infected in 2022!

Thanks for your time, have a lovely day! ^^

  1. 3

    Season 4 Legendary Backing List

    MetaGameplay by Triseria . 114 reads.

  2. 243

    My Dog

    MetaReference by X Country . 539 reads.

Embassies: Ponies Of The Apocalypse, Centrist Card Farmers, Hollow Point, Alliance of Supreme Powers, Pony planets, Eqeustria, Pax Indica, Aerospace, Herta Space Station, Remembrance, and The Tuchoimi Commonwealth.

Tags: Anime, Conservative, Fandom, Gargantuan, Magical, Multi-Species, and Trading Cards.

Regional Power: High

Sunset Shimmer contains 865 nations, the 38th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Most Cheerful Citizens in Sunset Shimmer

The World Census shared cheeky grins with citizens around the world in order to determine which were the most relentlessly cheerful.

As a region, Sunset Shimmer is ranked 26,566th in the world for Most Cheerful Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Everfree NorthwestIron Fist Consumerists“Friendship is Magic!”
2.The Republic of Sunset Shimmer is Best Pony 79Psychotic Dictatorship“Friendship is Magic!”
3.The Matriarchy of Sho-BattaiCorrupt Dictatorship“Strength in Unity, Honor in Tradition”
4.The Republic of Sunset Shimmer is Best Pony 125Iron Fist Consumerists“Friendship is Magic!”
5.The Republic of Recruit CitizensMoralistic Democracy“Friendship is Magic!”
6.The Another Nation of Another TownAuthoritarian Democracy“Another Motto”
7.The Protectorate of Imperial FaretatidevonttistroAuthoritarian Democracy“This name is WAY too long”
8.The Republic of Giant CupholderIron Fist Consumerists“By The People For The People”
9.The Republic of Pony 56Father Knows Best State“Friendship is Magic!”
10.The Protectorate of AquastriaAuthoritarian Democracy“You Can't Stop Progress”
1234. . .8687»

Regional Happenings


Sunset Shimmer Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.


via The Realm Of Rewan

The Bright Haze of Panagouge

Glimmering cheers the bright future of Sunset Shimmer!

Yamagata prefecture japan

Post self-deleted by Bigpipstan.

via Pony planets

The Anocratic empire of Bigpipstan

What kind of present for Heart's warming do you think your character would want? page=poll/p=193658

Yamagata prefecture japan

Post by Student-surveyistan suppressed by a moderator.

Post self-deleted by Eleknar.

The Airborne Flock of Migrating Geese

Just flying thru on our way south.

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