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The Republic of Courelli


Serene Archate launches hunger initiative alongside Ramelic Patriarchs

LARINTH, RAMELIA — The Serene Archate, the Church of the Four Corners' central governing structure led by Archon Filippo III, announced on Wednesday afternoon the launch of a new church initiative to combat hunger in the Commune of Ramelia.

In a prerecorded video message played at a press conference held at the Cathedral of The Eternally Serene Alexarchos the Martyr, the seat of the Patriarchate of Larinth, Archon Filippo III stated that the initiative, led by the Patriarchs of Anodia, Larinth, Salekidios, and Goudenhaven, "has [his] full support." The Archon highlighted that such relief work "is at the heart of the mission of the Church and of Her attention towards all those who suffer because of the scourge of hunger."

One of the primary goals of the initiative, as stated by Patriarch Vasilios Chontakos of Anodia, is to completely eradicate hunger in Ramelia by 2030. Patriarch Chontakos observed that "when we live as one human family, there is food for all," adding that "hunger comes as a lack of human solidarity ... wherein we fail to recognize all people as brothers and sisters."

You may find more information about the Church of the Four Corners on the Library of Parliament:
The Colony of Neige pis pinotte


Post by This region is watched by gangstalkers suppressed by a moderator.

The People's Community of Helvurium

The April 2024 Chancellor Election has CONCLUDED.

Ramelia has been reelected with one vote. Results verified by Courelli.

The People's Community of Helvurium

Helvurium wrote:The April 2024 Chancellor Election has CONCLUDED.

Ramelia has been reelected with one vote. Results verified by Courelli.

After considering the reports of issues regarding the recent April 2024 Chancellor Election, I have come to the decision that the election must be rerun. This is based on the following reported issues:

1) Harndon and Goncar reporting voting, without their votes being recorded, AND:
2) Maelstrom Republic being mistakenly removed from the waiver list, resulting in their inability to vote.

As I served as Election Administrator in this election, I retain the power to "make decisions on election procedure, as long as they do not contravene the law" and I have come to the conclusion that rerunning the election would not contravene our laws, but that maintaining the election, as it stands, would. Specifically, I believe that maintaining the election result would contravene the constitutional guaranteed right for 'eligible Member State [to] be entitled to cast a vote' for those who experienced issues.

I have also come to the conclusion that this election should be rerun on our regional forums, due to the fact that both reported issues may be tied to the election site that we use. I will investigate further with Masdobo, and ensure that our waiver list is up to date, and complete further testing on the site to identify any further issues with the voting portal.

The election will be rerun from the point voting started, and will commence from tomorrow for a period of seven days. I hope that this will resolve any potential concern around our latest election, and ensure that trust in our election system is maintained going forward. If there are any concerns or questions about this choice, please express them now so they can be discussed before the election is rerun.

The Federal Democratic Republic of Vancovaria

In case you haven't noticed, trading cards are back!

The People's Community of Helvurium

The Rerun of the April 2024 Chancellor Election is now open, and voting will close on Tuesday the 21st May.

Cast your vote here:

The Libertine Archdiarchy of Veszcota

Hello all! A new roleplay scenario called Fates and Faiths is kicking off in our Discord server. It is a character driven style scenario with weekly updates taking place in the non-player south pole nation of the Tulišen Federation and will feature religious and intellectual representatives from nations like yours at an International Faith Conference where much more than matters of the heart will be at stake for the host country.

State Dossier: Tulišen Federation
published by the SLU Information Compilation Executive

Background and summary
The written history of the peoples now known as the Tulišen did not begin until the beginning of the 20th century when prolonged contact between the then largely nomadic Tulišenic-speaking clans and foreign travelers became more common. One Iglosan anthropologist estimated that approximately 31 distinct clan cultures existed in the Tulišen territories and their vicinity at the time of his third visit in 1919, all of them practicing subsistence lifestyles largely unchanged over the course of millennia. From at least 1000 CE onward, the largest of these clans supplemented seal, walrus, and whale hunting with semi-permanent fishing settlements, but never numbered more than a couple of hundred members each at their peak populations. Oral histories credit three of their number with the foundation of a political alliance in the 15th or 16th century that would become the nucleus for the Federation’s formation centuries later. Additionally, according to some indigenous oral histories, the first samans of Tulišenic traditional spiritual practices originated in these relatively prosperous clans as healers, but the veracity of such claims remain a matter of historical and political dispute.

Exposure to an increasing number of foreign trade interests and industrial goods throughout the 20th century rapidly changed Tulišenic society. Seven of the Tulišenic languages gained written forms in the 1920s and 1930s due to the interventions of foreign merchants and missionaries; their spread, along with the demands for economies of scale that participation in the global market entailed, would play a key role in the clan consolidation that reduced the number of clans from the low thirties in the first two decades of the 20th century to seven by 1988. In 1939, an assembly of the seven clan Tulišen Alliance and twenty other clans formed the Tulišen Federation with the adoption of the Federating Instrument and Constitution of the Tulisen Peoples. The Federation’s ruling body, the Saman Circle, has since overseen dramatic population growth and urbanization, including the ‘miracle mining’ of the 1990s which diversified its economy, but an economic depression in the early 2000s have since setback or led to the scrapping of many of the Circle’s proposals and a shift towards prioritization of the tourism industry.

Tulišen continues to face significant challenges as the 21st century progresses, including the onset of post-industrial deprivation at its only major population settlement, the erosion of traditional lifestyles, and mounting debt to foreign creditors.

South of Au’Qi; on the continent of Ikeela

North Central Tulišen has the most moderate climate, averaging slightly below freezing along the barren, rocky coasts in January. Severe low temperatures are common, but vary with latitude, elevation, and distance from the ocean. Winters are characterized by continuous darkness and summers by continuous daylight. The southern ice wastes are dry and lack cloud cover.

Natural resources
freshwater, glacial ice, coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, molybdenum, diamonds, gold, platinum, niobium, tantalite, uranium, fish, seals, whales, hydropower, oil, and gas

44,781 (2023 census)

Population distribution

Much of the south of the country is uninhabited. Three quarters of the population lives either in the capital settlement and largest port of Sarhū or other coastal villages. The remainder continue traditional nomadic lifestyles, primarily in the northeast.

Luruhuo, Ulin, Duwargiya, Hoifa, Eto, Jas’huuri, Mengkyire


Tulišenic Shamanism, Dalinism

Government type
Federated representative eldership (unicameral council)

Large-scale krill harvesting and other fishery activities are the primary source of employment and largest industries, with growing tourist and services industries coming in at a close second and third, respectively. There is one functional zinc mine operating in the country owned by a company originating in Slim Shekhs. Two platinum mines and one gold mine once employed hundreds of workers in the 1980s and 1990s, but have laid abandoned due to prohibitively high operating costs since the early 2000s.

Invitation to International Faith Conference
From: External Affairs Office of the Tulišen Federation
To: Numerous religious organizations and the relevant ministries of atheistic states across Miyana


For many years, our clans have hosted foreigners seeking to spread their religious beliefs within the borders of our territories, traders who express casual disbelief in the spiritual world, and tourists who gawk upon the workings of our peoples’ magics. We have tolerated all of these activities and much more besides despite the misgivings it engenders within the lands, the frozen waters, and our minds.

Yet as winter approaches and long nights beset us once more, the Circle, in consultation with each of the clan soothsayers, finds that summoned voices of ancestral wisdom beseech us to heed those foreign convictions which we have heard but habitually declined to listen to. Given the challenging conditions presented to the soothsayers in recent years, these are not legacies which we can willfully ignore.

For one week, we shall host various approved representatives from institutions of faith and intellectual convictions across Miyana at an International Faith Conference. They shall gather in Sarhū over the course of the coming month, where a temporary residence will be provided for the length of their stay if they do not wish to seek out their own accommodations. Throughout the conference, the Saman Circle of the Tulišen Federation will host a vigorous, at times open and at other times moderated, discourse between the representatives addressing pressing issues of both spiritual and temporal natures.
When not participating directly in the conference itself, representatives will, of course, be free to explore the capital city, continue fruitful discussions, and perhaps even be called upon directly by the samans or soothsayers.

I look forward to reviewing your representative’s credentials prior to their arrival.

May your reflection smile sweetly,
Eto hala-i Fogo, Principal Voice of the Tulišen Federation

As the scenario host, you can expect continued updates from me here once a week and in response to your participation, but I strongly encourage you to join us in the Discord server and pick up the @Ping for Roleplay role in the #info channel for an easier time keeping track of developments and discussing events in our #rp-discussion channel.

Thanks for reading!

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