
Region: Union of Conlang Nations

The Send help of Selanese Empire

Denesí na* Zaselaneji estí Staraja kolăda. Ta çăsto slavi să do vwzedinieneja.
In Transselania, today is the New Year of the Old Calendar. It was commonly celebrated before unification.

* Preposition na (lit. “on”) instead of v (“in”) is used for short names of wider areas, such as:

  1. provinces: na Hornislavešçinie = v Hornislavesceji obolsti (in Hornislav province, an area which includes the city),

  2. the historical regions Perdwselaneje (Cisselania) and Zaselaneje (Transselania), where there’s no equivalent form using v,

  3. the Selanese Empire as a whole: na Selanešçinie = v Selanescejemí Cesarievestvie (in the Selanese Empire).
