
Region: The Galactics Union

The Boundary of Sovereignty of Judahite

The Harvest of Vedo: Colonization I

The Order has been given: Another Harvesting of Spore Comets has been catapulted and spiraling toward the western and eastern flanks of the sphere's boundaries. A considerable amount of preliminary research has been conducted as to the suitability for colonization as well as the resources necessary to kickstart the primary terraforming and germination processes, this is the largest colonization effort to date despite it's delegation being handed to secondary systems headed by Qyubel: to compliment and solidify this maneuver a number of protective measures have been put into place, including a new line of defensive stations and a number of branches of Hibisqyor Vessels totaling 750, with many at full hangar capacity.

-> + 73 Planets
-> + 100 Moons

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