
Region: Alcris


via India

The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea Choson

Wintermoore wrote:Oooh I have tried to get into it and it just doesn't do it for me.

Also your RP statistics:

Exports: Agricultural goods (olives, grapes, tea leaves, fish, clams, other seafood); shipbuilding and export of parts; refined petroleum; tourism.

GDP Growth (previous year): 4.1%
GDP (nominal): CA 266'604'366'798
GDP per Capita: CA 25'179
Average Income: CA 41'445/yr
Unemployment: 8.1% (+0.7% from previous year)

The nation's economy is developed, and is primarily driven by primary industry exports and tourism, as well as a small but growing start up sector through government investment due to moderately high taxation. The government has worked in investing in entrepreneurial companies, making it a future growth spot in the world economy, but the nation's lack of participation in the Credit Argent currency makes the nation's imports more expensive due to the hassle of currency conversion.

Yes!!! I export refined petroleum.
BTW if I join the Arganorh Union it should make my imports a little but cheaper right?

