
Region: The Galactics Union


The Thestral Union of FreeAmericanStates

New Saharia wrote:A Neighborly Invasion || FreeAmericanStates

That was… both an interesting and terrifying implication. Fortunately, Captain Wilson was just far too winded to comprehend the reality of such things. Saharians were not built to phase-shift like that.

“Well… that sure is quite something… Truly. We aren’t… going to have to do that for every door we come across, are we?”

She says "We probably aren't going to have to do that." She then smiles "After all the doors on the in the hanger are a bit shorter on purpose for this ship I think the reason is something related to making sure some subspeces and species from our home world cant get further in then the hanger. So do you want to go the library, the bar, the commander somewhere else?"
