
Region: the West Pacific


via The Sportsbook

The Adorable Nation of Davelands

First german-american empire wrote:hello there:)
please don't ban me

Ooo... Sounds like a challenge! Who will get there first?


In honor of pride month I am trying to come up with some LGBTQ puns, but most of them aren't all that funny and some border on offensive. That being said...

What do you call an LGBT capitalist?

What happens when you put a lot of LGBT people in a long line?
You get a LGBTQ.

Every time I ask someone what the acronym LGBTQ stands for...
I can never get a straight answer.

Bhang Bhang Duc, Ridersyl, The Holy Principality of Saint Mark, Monroevia, and 14 othersPodium, Santos-dominius, Nas Crustium, Willow Gate, Blue bubble, Hongg Kong, Roiko, Fotisdia, Immushvilio, The Truck Route, Radrow, Ros, Bakartha, and First german-american empire
