
Region: Europeia

The Toxic Swamp-Dweller of Vorhollah

Brothers and Sisters!!
It is TODAY on THANKFUL THURSDAY that we give GREAT PRAISE to HIM who hath given us the great joys and pleasures in life. Let us lay out the things in our lives that we are fortunate to receive, that He may judge us worthy to keep them in our humblest of appreciations!

For myself, I must express GREAT GRATITUDE for my friends, who have recently helped me move a great deal of furniture and other items out of and into my room, as many of those were in desperate need of replacement! I hope to repay them that great favor one day, and I hope you all will help your friends and family, should they be in need!

Now, for you all: what is something, be it specific or abstract, recent or in the distant past, that you are feeling grateful for today?
REGALE US with your beautiful sentiments and may we taste of the virtues of those to whom you give great praise!

Sincluda, Prov, Nairatania, and Decnotixa
