
Region: Wintreath

The Greyscale Magi-Monk of Wintermoot

Happy Thursday, guys! We have so many new faces on the RMB, and it's so awesome to see everyone chatting and getting to know each other. :)


New kasztan wrote:Hey guys!


Lusgastan wrote:Great, Thanks! I had a big test today, and I think I did pretty good. How about you? :)

Uniopolis wrote:Awww, I'm good, thank you. How are you? :)

I'm glad that you're both doing good! I kinda took a test of my own last night to join the RP guild. I'm sure it's not a big deal to most people, but I haven't done much RP so I was really happy that I passed both the exam and the test RP situation. :D

I'm doing alright though! Things have just been pretty busy...a lot of things are going on, which is good, but it's a lot to keep up with too. :P

-Dragonland wrote:How do we know if Uni’s the most wholesome? Is there a wholesomeness rating scale we have?

lol, it's just so obvious you don't need a scale...she's just that wholesome.

Stonmichtolioth wrote:Hi, i are new in region

Southern groyzista wrote:Im just coming here because I'm new

Hey guys! Welcome to Wintreath! We're glad to have you...just let us know if you have any questions or want any help getting into anything here. :)
