
Region: Anteria


Junterland News

Vote on Bill C.146
Early this morning, Congress voted on Bill C.146, which was a proposal to place economic sanctions on the Duchy of Krenya for their attempted market manipulation via increased oil production. The Bill received 167 votes in favor, and 133 votes against, meaning it passed. The main opposition to Bill C.146 was from members of Congress who felt it did not go far enough to punish Krenya for their actions. With the President signing it into law around noon, the Demokratische Republik has officially increased its tariffs on oil imported from The krenya. While it is unlikely the Junterlandian government will do more to act on the Krenyan Oil Crisis, talks have been circulating in the halls of Congress for a bill to subsidize the electric car market.

Plattinum, Zanjact, Wellsenfaile, Abjekistan, and 1 otherIsshiki
