
Region: Free Market Federation


The 2nd Deliberative Theocracy of Free Transhumanists

Environmental Support wrote:I have an idea I would like to propose to you all.

Does everyone/anyone remember the big RP expedition we had a while back? Well I think it would be interesting to continue that but in a slightly different way. In a month or so, would anyone be interested in doing a Dungeons and Dragons style RP event using the Discord server? I could write up a brief manual for you guys to base your characters off of and use the factbooks of each of your nations to figure out some class/race attributes, backgrounds, and equipment.

If anyone is interested in this please let me know, cause I'd rather not go all in and make a manual if nobody intends on playing.

Oh I remember it since I designed the beginning... we never got to the end of the narative that I .... planned... sort of :-/ well nevermind. I will be happy it it could continue in some form. I'm familiar with DND and I like it :-)

Environmental Support and Cerveskia
