
Region: Africa


battle of Berav begins

the city of Berav is one of Airtifae's most populated cities right behind Barzakh Buhayragol Deraveti and Epaytolu the capital city
Berav is an important port city due to its strategic point north of the Barzakh Canal a Canal that connects the Gulf of Sahil and the Gulf of Shati known for its libraries the city is a center of education for the world as the battle begins the Anti-Independence Red Army is attempting to take the city the mostly Christian Red Army is fighting the mostly Muslim Green Army the pro independence forces are being backed by Muslim nations like Morocco Mauritania Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Syria Yemen Oman Jordan Lebanon Iran Saudi Arabia and Qatar

as the battle has begun people have fled the city mass atrocities have been committed by both sides with burnings of religious structures the fierce fighting street by street has been captured on camera it is being called Airtifaean Stalingrad for its fierce fighting and as of right now there is no clear winner

Bangova, Kalderash, and The sahrawi arabs
