
Region: Free Market Federation


The 2nd Deliberative Theocracy of Free Transhumanists

Environmental Support wrote:The best option in my opinion is to give up on classification of political systems and instead analyze governments and societies holistically. Instead of trying to force them into tiny boxes and making concessions, it would be better to look for commonalities between governments and group them based upon overarching motifs found across varying systems.

Basically build the system around the state and not the other way around.

(woo comparative politics)

So very vast general definition of a phenomenon with very specific properties which doesn't have to be described as "it is or it is not there" but rather focus on the relative perceptibility. Is that right? This is very postmodern approach (Which I approve), but I would say that it is not very holistic approach, because these commonalities that you would be studying are particular fragments in their character. It's a very analytic approach I would say. But that's just my subjective interpretation, maybe it would be achievable even throughout the "holistic" or other structuralist criterion.
