
Region: the Rejected Realms


Croatian empaths

Hoffania wrote:Everything I do puts my nation’s basket weaving down, whyyyy

Because Basket Weaving represent passiveness. General example (not always true):

1. If you support bill which supports old people
2. Or fail to do something modern or futuristic
3. If you are history freak
4. Or if you choose old tech over new ones like horse riding instead investment in car industry

Yeah... I just got one where basket goes down when I choose fortify my gov security building with the latest flower of technology. See... I have choosen the newest development to prevent assasinations on me.

5. Basket goes up also when you decide women should stay at home rather than persuing career.
6. Basket rose also when I have restricted heavy drug usage, since junkies have nothing to do now, but weaving.

Hoffania and China is a federation
