
Region: The League of Conservative Nations

The Armed Republic of Paleocacher

Politicking Live Stream News Room
Following a very long and trying day with much surprising and troubling news, President Fulkerson has prepared a statement for the press addressing the Xusma situation, Ernest Pyle, and Sequoyah. We go now live to the Presidential Residence in Gardena.
Presidential Residence Briefing Room
Good evening my countrymen. This has been a trying weekend and today has been especially taxing on our country. I will address the events of the day in order. First of all, the subpoenas served on the Xussman embassy today were standard legal procedure for a trial. The document requests were for travel records for G4S employees from the embassy and consulate and the embassy was asked to pass the subpoenas along to two entities, a private bank based in Xusma and G4S itself. Our prosecutors wished to have records of financial transactions and property records from those two entities to help strengthen their pending criminal case in international court. Subpoenas are not optional, however it was poor judgement and manners on behalf of the Departments of Justice and Foreign Affairs to foist them with such short notice onto the Xussman embassy. It was also a violation of diplomatic protocol to ask for the embassy's records as they fall under diplomatic privilege. Additionally, subpoenas issued by a Paleocacherian judge have no legal weight in Xusma so the whole endeavor was pointless to begin with unless the Xussman government wished to compel the two private entities to cooperate. The persons responsible for this embarrassing behavior have been disciplined, and we apologize to the Xussman government for their behavior. On the arrests of the two persons in Liberty City, I want to clarify that the arrests did not take place today, they were merely announced. Legal proceedings had already begun against both men in August for their roles in the Liberty City debacle that resulted from the attempted assassination of Ernest Pyle. The man who holds dual citizenship was simultaneously a non diplomatic part-time maintenance employee for the Xussman consulate and a contractor for the G4S company. He rented the hotel suite the men stayed in, arranged the getaway car and plane, and stole the access keys to the office block where the mercenaries made their getaway through the roof door of. The accountant handled several wire transfers for the G4S company and with that money paid for the car and plane and also paid for several other related items. Both men have taken plea agreements and will be testifying in the upcoming trial. They were merely taken into custody today to start prepping for trial and to ensure their safety now that it is publicly known that they will be witnesses.

As to Pyle, all I can say at this time is that he will be receiving an extradition hearing in the morning. The judge chosen for the case has a well earned reputation for impartiality and he will weigh all the facts in a fair hearing. Pyle's actions though noble in motive perhaps, were still criminal and he is not above the consequences.

On the topic of consequences, we have the developing situation in Sequoyah. Today's discovery is very shocking. My administration had been well aware of the Department of Foreign Affairs initial activities. I approved the shipment of a small amount of radios, jeeps, and aircraft as a gift to Admiral Adama's government. I also approved the appointing of an ambassador and the deployment of a small diplomatic contingent as well as a group of documentary filmmakers who wished to film in the country. The goal of the mission was to try and help the government of Sequoyah develop its country, help oversee the enforcement of the Treaty of Freemont which banned slavery, and eventually to help the newly rejuvenated nation of Sequoyah rejoin the international community once it had been reformed and rehabilitated. However, Foreign Affairs Secretary Burnett seems to have gotten his hand caught in the cookie jar. As it so happens, our country has again been had by crooked politicians and businessmen. In this case Foreign Affairs Secretary Burnett, several of his underlings, Ambassador to Sequoyah Clement Whittle, and the COO of Dupont Mineral Exploration Co. conspired to defraud the governments of Paleocacher and Sequoyah. They associated with the President of the Central Railroad and used bulldozers, other construction equipment, and trained engineers to help him complete construction on the transcontinental line first granting his company unlimited access to the mineral deposits there. Once he had them he promised the conspirators exclusive access to several rich mineral deposits, potentially worth billions of selkies in profits. Even though they checked to see if the railroad was still using slave labor they were too lazy to check properly. All of the people I have named either have been arrested or will be arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit fraud. Secretary Burnett has been sacked and the Department of Foreign Affairs is temporarily under the head of the vice president. We apologize to the Sequoyan people for our complicity in this situation. We will be ceasing all diplomatic relations with Sequoyah effective immediately as per their government's demand. We will evaluate the situation carefully to determine how we may assist the people enslaved by the Central Railroad and will work with the TCN to ensure the enforcement of TCN 019.
That's all I have for you tonight. Any questions?

In Nueva Vegas, Clement Whittle and his staff boarded a plane to take them back to face the music for their activities. STOL planes were sent to Caprica and to New Samaria to pick up the documentary crews and bring them back to Nellis Air Base for evacuation from the country. In the heartland region, the foreman tried to get his bulldozers, backhoes, and other equipment loaded onto flatbeds from the thrown into chaos Central Railroad so he could get his people to Angeles and out of the country.

The constitutional republic of zion

Creeperopolis, Xusma, Terranihil, Gagium, and 2 othersMalgax, and Lyoa
