
Region: Lazarus

Loftegen 3

Cossack Peoples wrote:No, I just said it's interesting that this Zaharra character still talks about bravery after gunning down some protestors. And don't take this too personally-- I am just analyzing your work, not critiquing the author. After all, the works of a writer with a reputation such as yourself should never be absolutely two dimensional and plainly superficial-- it should be a great compliment to you that lil' ol' me is standing at the base of your literary genius and telling the others what I make of the abstract concepts hinted in the masterpiece. I shall never hope to fully grasp what's under the surface of these enigmatic texts.

"They say hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned," Lady Zaharra said. There was a long silence. "Do you want to know what fury looks like?
