
Region: Lazarus



Demonos wrote:

The Principality's Magister of Customs and Immigration has received 276 individuals at our ports of entry seeking asylum from Cossack Peoples. They have been admitted to temporary shelters and are reporting grave human rights abuses by the government under Principle Chairman Vadimir Bezukhov. These abuses include; ethnic cleansing, genocide, and child abuse sponsored by Skin Nation The Second

That was quick! Those people were just waiting on you border to cross? If this is going to happen, you communicate (perhaps through telegram) with Cossack Peoples and if it passes with them, you can go ahead after a few days real time (to simulate the long journey between countries)

In other words, I'd count this as Null and void. It never happened. (or is changed to work.)

Edit: Just looking through Cossack Peoples' policies and ID chips are administered. I can imagine these would have some GPS tracking ability and so would make leaving extremely difficult. Now, the black market may provide a way to remove them or allow parents to somehow make sure their children aren't ID'd but that would have to be okay'd with Cossack Peoples first.
