
Region: The Western Isles

The United Republics of Dormill and Stiura

Nights edge wrote:And in the grand scheme of things are completely trivial and nowhere near the notoriety they seem to be arbitrarily given. Same thing is happening with AOC, same thing happened with Clinton and/or Pelosi, same thing with [insert name here]. Mountains out of molehills

I guess it just irks me that people are artificially creating or inflating something in order to diminish the fact that they're doing nothing about an actual problem

Because Conservatives (and especially Republicans) have no real policy platform to speak of. Just grandstanding to their voters while they rob the people blind.

And any policy they do act on is at the direct detriment of a significant amount of people, made without any regards to feasibility, practicality, or morality.

The only thing Republicans are good at is rallying large voting blocs through their propaganda machine in a system they already rigged. If the US changed anything about how voting works for the better (ending Gerrymandering, automatic voter enrollment, securing voting sites and results), I’m willing to bet the Republicans will be quickly relegated to third party status.
