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National Flag

The Pandas of Pandaland II


Category: Left-Leaning College State
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Very Good

Regional Influence: Apprentice

Location: the West Pacific



Pandaland II Info

Pandaland II


Motto: "Prepared"


Region: The West Pacific
Population: 3.391 billion
Density: 3,800/km˛

Capitol: Bamboo Forest
35.6869° N, 105.9372° W
Largest City: Giraffeburgh

Official Language: English, Irish Gaelic

National Languages: English, Irish Gaelic, Mandarin

Demonym: Panda

Government: Dictatorship
- President: Giant Panda
- Vice President: Giant Panda
- Speaker of the House: Giant Panda
- Chief Justice: Giant Panda

Legislature: - Congress aka Panda's house
- Upper House: Senate aka Panda's house
- Lower House: House of Representatives aka Panda's house

Independence: March 12, 1420

Land Area: 2,420,069 mile˛
3,686,634 km˛
Water Area: 52,120 km˛
Water %: 1.69

GDP (nominal): $787.69 trillion
GDP (nominal) per capita: $257,893

HDI (2040): 0.924 very high

Currency:Bamboo 🎋

Time Zone: (UTC−8 to −6)

Drives on the: Right

Calling code: +42

Internet TLD: .pan
Website: nation=pandaland_ii

Pandaland II

The Republic of Pandaland II, commonly called the first Pandaland (even though it isn't), is a dictatorship in southwestern North America. It is bordered on the north by Pandaland III, on the south by the former nation of Pandaland (which Pandaland II took over during the great Panda Wars of 1420), and on the west by the West Pacific Ocean. STOP READING HERE!!!!! I DIDNT CHANGE ANYTHING AFTER THIS******************************************************

Fusce ut mauris quis nunc luctus elementum a quis orci. Etiam vestibulum risus at dui efficitur dictum vitae ut lacus. Curabitur felis neque, ornare et arcu sed, mollis dictum purus. Vestibulum in sapien eu est cursus gravida. Sed pellentesque nibh lectus, a porta turpis molestie sit amet. Phasellus pretium interdum arcu, in elementum lorem porttitor et. In eu metus tortor. Nullam faucibus imperdiet lobortis. In quis mattis lectus. Curabitur ut ipsum nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Pandaland II is a developed country, with a high national GDP of 🎋917.69 trillion. The per capita GDP of 🎋270,597 ranks highly in the world, although the country also ranks highly in income inequality. The economy is broadly diversified and led by the Information Technology industry, with significant contributions from Arms Manufacturing, Retail, and Book Publishing. Pandaland II ranks highly in civil rights, political freedom, and economic freedom. Pandaland II is also a recognized member of the World Assembly.


Praesent vel turpis dapibus, aliquam nisi at, viverra urna. Aenean fermentum neque elit, non mollis nisl condimentum eu. Nunc non sodales quam, sed dapibus lorem. Nulla vel orci sagittis, euismod ligula ac, efficitur leo. Sed luctus leo vel nibh vestibulum dapibus. Nullam placerat lobortis tortor et dignissim. Phasellus ut gravida sapien, vel viverra risus. Integer nec metus ac massa eleifend maximus. Aliquam laoreet aliquam mauris non faucibus. Cras pharetra tortor dui, vel porttitor ex feugiat finibus.

Maecenas rutrum risus ante, nec tristique eros placerat eget. Mauris nec felis ut dolor mollis sagittis sit amet sed erat. Etiam sit amet condimentum nisi. Suspendisse a purus tristique velit pharetra congue vitae lobortis nisi. Donec molestie eget tortor in faucibus. Suspendisse convallis lorem felis, finibus scelerisque arcu sollicitudin sed. Duis mi augue, pulvinar et ex nec, commodo auctor dui. In at ligula leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tincidunt tristique ultricies. Etiam egestas quam nec purus fringilla eleifend. Proin mauris tellus, maximus sit amet ipsum sed, vehicula egestas ipsum. Aenean pretium tristique fringilla. Pellentesque condimentum at erat vel scelerisque. Aliquam eu urna ut nunc imperdiet accumsan a in tellus. Donec scelerisque dolor ac purus sollicitudin, a porttitor turpis aliquet. Curabitur lacinia sapien metus, id bibendum lorem volutpat dignissim.

Aenean tempus lacinia magna, in semper purus semper ac. Etiam malesuada dignissim elit non eleifend. Aenean in efficitur nisl, in molestie tortor. Vivamus placerat placerat nisl, vel finibus lectus ullamcorper a. Ut ullamcorper lacus eget sapien dictum, ut interdum diam laoreet. Nullam erat nisl, fringilla in dictum a, rutrum nec leo. Praesent hendrerit lectus ut arcu ullamcorper pellentesque. Curabitur mattis vehicula vestibulum. Aliquam a ligula elit. Vestibulum eget efficitur tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis velit enim, tincidunt at libero at, vehicula lacinia dui.

Vestibulum vel scelerisque est. Duis elit sem, vehicula sit amet est eu, volutpat fermentum dui. Proin convallis non diam vitae gravida. Nullam fringilla lectus ipsum. Cras ut convallis sem. Praesent eget fringilla libero, non condimentum nibh. Mauris eu urna at urna dignissim semper at nec quam. Pellentesque in ex magna. Donec vel venenatis sem. Sed tempor ac tortor quis cursus. Nullam in pretium magna.

Curabitur laoreet, arcu et lacinia mollis, ligula est finibus velit, id suscipit nibh dui ut nisi. Quisque sed laoreet tellus, eget lobortis mauris. Phasellus molestie sem sed eros viverra venenatis. In accumsan pretium ligula, in molestie arcu commodo ullamcorper. Donec semper erat vel egestas condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent luctus tempor convallis. Quisque ullamcorper, justo sit amet sagittis luctus, ante dui tempus ligula, eu mattis nisi tellus vitae orci. Integer blandit orci sit amet mauris sodales, sit amet sodales quam eleifend. Aenean mollis suscipit urna et rhoncus. Praesent vitae arcu nec urna faucibus suscipit. Vivamus commodo, tellus in porttitor volutpat, dolor quam vulputate dolor, sed rhoncus massa dui id ligula.

Aliquam vestibulum justo id dui tincidunt, vitae tempor metus lacinia. Nunc non erat sed ante scelerisque mollis. Fusce eget nulla at libero vulputate accumsan vel sit amet nisi. Nam fringilla leo ut est vehicula, vitae tincidunt neque dictum. Aenean id luctus tellus, nec fermentum nisi. Nullam lorem ligula, efficitur quis nulla vitae, commodo dignissim nibh. Morbi quis magna id lorem mattis interdum. Curabitur et lacus sed libero feugiat varius. In in risus quis ipsum elementum malesuada vel id massa. Aenean placerat placerat nunc, a aliquam leo rutrum in. Aenean convallis nulla vel interdum auctor. Aliquam erat dui, rhoncus sed interdum at, faucibus a lectus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et elit ut nulla malesuada aliquam. Sed ut interdum tellus. Donec a dolor lobortis, pulvinar leo non, vestibulum ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin at viverra nisi. Donec facilisis, nisi vitae luctus dignissim, arcu ante convallis sapien, id congue nisi ante in mauris. Vestibulum bibendum justo nec dui consectetur, dapibus dictum elit tempor. Duis laoreet tortor nec mi lacinia dictum. Phasellus sit amet dapibus turpis. Mauris ac egestas dui. Sed dolor arcu, mollis laoreet convallis in, interdum at nunc.

Mauris semper diam risus, eget aliquam nisl ullamcorper molestie. Curabitur congue dui at fermentum pulvinar. Ut et lorem magna. Nullam dolor leo, tincidunt vehicula placerat id, lacinia vel lorem. Quisque consequat ipsum libero, at feugiat orci dictum ac. Praesent dapibus lorem aliquet aliquet elementum. Maecenas et imperdiet est. Curabitur cursus purus mi, imperdiet hendrerit erat ullamcorper non. Duis luctus tempor egestas. Aenean fringilla felis ultricies fermentum laoreet. In et leo justo.

Left: Satellite image of Ponderosa
Center: Ponderosa Pine forest


Pandaland II has an estimated population of 3.391 billion, ranking 52,201st in the world and 569th in The West Pacific. A census is taken every five years, with the first taking place in 1420. While the birthrate is only 15 per 1000, the population growth rate is 0.8%. 81.4% of the population was Black/White, 18.2% Red, and 0.4% Other.

English is the de facto national language. Approximately 70% of the population speaks English as a first language, with another 23% speaking Irish Gaelic as a first language. The third most dominant language was Mandarin, with 0.9% of the population being native speakers.

The majority of Pandaland II's population identifies as having no religious affiliation, with 84.2% identifying as non-religious and 15.8% identifying as Bambooism.

Largest Cities



Metro area population







Los Angeles




San Diego








San Francisco












El Paso


New Texas


San Antonio






New Mexico


Los Angeles

San Diego



Capitol Building of Ponderosa

The Republic of Ponderosa is a constitutional federal republic, in which majority rule is blended with minority rights protected by law. The Ponderosa Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and closely models the US Constitution on which it was inspired.

The citizens of Ponderosa are subject to three levels of government: federal, state, regional, and local.

Local Government: Administers police and fire forces, as well as other public works. Protects private property rights.

Regional Government: Responsible for education, infrastructure, and taxation.

Federal Government: Headquartered in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the federal government is responsible for national defense, foreign policy, and guarantees basic human rights that the regions cannot override, many of which are listed in the Ponderosa Bill of Rights. It is also responsible for regulating inter-regional and international commerce.

The federal government is composed of three branches:

Foreign Relations and Military

World Assembly Headquarters

Ponderosa takes an active role in the world diplomatic stage. It is a member of the World Assembly and the region of Ainur. Ponderosa has been officially neutral in all armed conflicts since its founding, although it did serve as the location of the Manhattan Project. The Fighting Force of Ponderosa Foreign Legion serves as the nation's ambassador to other regions.

Total Ponderosa military spending in 2040 was $307.66 billion, over one-third of the federal budget. Up-to-date statistics about Ponderosa's military may be found Linkhere.

The President serves as commander-in-chief of the Ponderosa military, which is headed by the Department of Defense. The military is divided into three branches: the Air Force, the Navy, and the Marines. All of these branches serve professionally, and have no other occupation. In the event of a war, the Ponderosa Army is to be reestablished and made up of volunteer troops. Conscription is illegal under the Ponderosa Constitution.


Economic Indicators

Currency: Ponderosa dollar (PD)
Fiscal Year: March 1 - February 28

GDP (nominal): $4.63 trillion
GDP (nominal) per capita: $43,679
Labor Force: 73.452 million
Unemployment: 2.10%

Ponderosa operates under a system of free market capitalism. According to the NationStates Tracker, the nominal GDP is $4.63 trillion. The private sector is estimated to constitute 98% of the economy, with federal, regional, and local government accounting for 2%. Unemployment is at 2.10%, largely due to the lack of employment regulations throughout the country.

Ponderosa is one of the world's largest exporter of goods, with a trade surplus of $94.5 billion. Xinjie and The republic of kentucky are two of Ponderosa's top trading partners.

Information technology is currently the nation's largest industry, followed by retail, arms manufacturing, and gambling. Mining and livestock agriculture are other important drivers of the Ponderosan economy.


Ponderosa is home to a variety of cultures, a result of a liberal immigration policy. Ponderosan culture is generally considered Western, derived from traditions of European and American culture. There are also large Hispanic and Native American populations. Like other North American nations, Ponderosa has been described as a melting pot where several cultures join into one.

Ponderosans have been described as very individualistic, competitive, and hardworking, even more so than their American counterparts. This has resulted in great economic productivity, and a libertarian form of government. This has also made Ponderosa a popular destination for immigrants. Ponderosans are also firm believers in equality, and do not think that one social class should have more rights than others.


Leonel Manzano, World
Record Holder and
Gold Medalist in the 1500m

Mainstream Ponderosan cuisine is similar to that in other Western cultures. Ponderosa is also famous for its Southwestern cuisine, featuring contributions from Spanish, Mexican, Indian, and American culture. The chili pepper, an important part of Southwestern cuisine, is a major agricultural export of Ponderosa. Ponderosan cuisine features dishes such as the burrito, enchiladas, quesadillas, tacos, and sopaipillas, which are believed to be a major cause of Ponderosa's heart disease epidemic.


Ponderosa's market for professional sports is roughly $35 billion. While the most popular spectator sport is football (soccer), the national sport is considered to be track and field. Ponderosan athletes have set several world records and won 420 Olympic medals in athletics alone. In addition, the 2036 Olympic Games were held in San Francisco. Basketball, ice hockey, baseball, and tennis are also popular sports.


Personal transportation is dominated by automobiles, which operates on a system of 1,899,554 miles of roads. Ponderosa has one of the largest automotive industries in the world.

There are no public transport systems. Bus, rail, and subway systems do exist, but they are privately owned and operated. Many people in urban areas walk or bike to work to avoid traffic and transit fees.

The civil airline industry is also privately owned. Unlike most other industrialized nations, most airports are privately owned and run. Houston International Airport is one of the busiest in the world, serving not only Ponderosa, but airlines in Secius and Mexico as well.

Ponderosa uses a high amount of energy per capita. About 25% of Ponderosa's electricity comes from nuclear power plants, with uranium mined in Socorro and imported from Secius. Other electricity sources are from vast natural gas and coal reserves, and from solar energy, especially in Sonora. Most of Ponderosa's transportation sector uses petroleum, although rising fuel costs have led to a development in green energy.


LinkNS Tracker - Economic Info, Military Info
LinkWikipedia - History, Template
Factbooks of Auralia, Turkish Federation, Maltropia, etc. - Inspiration
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The Pandas of Pandaland II
