
Region: The Draconic Cluster

The Fallen Empire of Balrogga

The Empire of Balrogga would like to announce a cheap alternative to coal power plants, hydro-electric dams, and nuclear power plants.

We have established a network of solar collectors in a near orbit of Sol. The power is transmitted to the SOLAR station located at the Polar Lagrange point of Sol using microwave lasers. The energy collected is in turn transmitted to its sister station located at the Polar Lagrange point of Earth. From here power is transmitted through another network of relay satellites to ground based receiving station. The power is then sent through the power grid to where it is needed most.

There are three basic receiving stations that can be built.

The first consists of a single receiving dish approximately 100 foot (30.5m) diameter that allows the reception of 1 Terawatt power. This is many times the output of a modern nuclear reactor. Price: about 5 million to build and 10% to maintain at peak efficiency.

This is the arranging of several single dishes into a wide array. The price and maintenance depends upon the number you construct.

This is the grand daddy of dishes. It is 1000 ft (305m) across. This dish can only be constructed in a carefully excavated site. The dish is actually suspended about 20 ft (3m) from the ground underneath. Four towers support the platform about 300 feet above the face of the dish. This configuration is capable of receiving 1200Tw transmissions. It costs 100 million to build and roughly 5 million a year to maintain.

Each nation who is interested has the option of either building the receiving station themselves (via blueprints I will send) or we can construct it for you (for a 10% fee). After the site is finished I will place a satellite above the station to relay the power to the station.

I know many nations are leery of anything above their territories. I invite any who are interested to view the construction of their satellite to be sure there are no spy packages or weaponry attached. The appointed delegate will also have the option to remain with the equipment until it is sent into orbit.

What is the cost of the transmission? $1 Million per Terawatt per day. This is easily less than 1% what most high efficiency power plants cost. Each day would only cost you $1 million for 20 times what your power plants can produce.

When you order, please specify the amount of Terawatt service you need. I only accept yearly contracts.
