
Region: Empire of Andrew

The Infinite Empire of Cybus1

The Orson Empire wrote:Orsonian Supremacy:

Orsonian supremacy is a racist ideology purporting that biological Orsonians are physically and mentally superior to humans, and thus deserve to dominate all of humanity. It is a core tenet of the Aturorist Party.


Xenophobic sentiment toward foreign cultures has existed in Orson for centuries, though it was little different from xenophobia present in various societies and cultures at this time.

Most historians agree that the Orsonian supremacist ideology coalesced in the 19th century. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, Social Darwinism, and the growing popularity of scientific racism greatly influenced its development. Early supremacists believed that Orsonians were more highly evolved than humans and should rule over them; attempts to change this hierarchy violated the fundamental laws of nature, in which the strong dominated and exploited the weak.

First Phase of Popularity (Late 19th century-1945)

Orsonian supremacists exerted immense influence in the Imperial Senate during the early 20th century, enacting laws which enforced strict racial segregation between humans and Orsonians while denying civil liberties to humans.

Orson's victory in World War One over the Central Powers confirmed the inherent dominance of biological Orsonians in the minds of supremacists. During the interwar period, the supremacist ideology developed further as adherents claimed biological Orsonians and the Nordic "race" of humans from northern Europe both originated from the Aryan "master race"; Japanese people were also considered honorary Aryans, due to the long-standing cultural ties between Orson and Japan.

As a consequence, Orson ended all ties with the Entente Powers and began a rapprochement with Nazi Germany in the 1930's, culminating with Orson, Germany, and Japan signing the Tripartite Pact and forming the Axis Powers. They planned to totally conquer and annex their mutual enemies, dividing the world into three spheres of influence.

After Orson's surrender in 1945, the ideology came under severe scrutiny, as members of the supposed master race had utterly failed in their attempt at world domination. Orson later experienced a period of social liberalization, granting all humans the right to vote by 1956, and easing enforcement of segregation laws. In the 1970's, Orson ended its period of post-war isolation and resumed trading with the international community.

Second Phase of Popularity (1990s-2021)

Orsonian supremacy experienced a resurgence in the latter 20th century, in reaction to the Separatist Crisis and growing political violence between leftists and rightists. The Aturorist Party rose in popularity in this time by blaming all of Orson's issues on foreigners and human citizens, who they accused of undermining the Empire by providing support to separatist movements or other extremist groups.

Following the 1996 Financial Crisis, Orsonian supremacy once more became a mainstream idea, as biological Orsonians blamed humans for sabotaging the economy and creating terrible living conditions; wealthy human businesses were also accused of hoarding money and resources during the crisis, or forcing struggling small business owners out of the market. Capetonians were especially targeted, and the Aturorists promoted a conspiracy theory accusing Capetonians businessmen of causing the crisis.

Aturorists successfully won the 2000 elections, ultimately corrupting Orson's democratic system for their own nefarious ideology. Over the next 20 years, Orson was transformed into a totalitarian police state in which biological Orsonians held all political and economic power, while humans were once again forced into segregated communities and often lived in poverty.

Current Status

Orsonian supremacy was outlawed by the Communist Party following the 2021 Revolution. Communists are currently working to deradicalize Orsonian society, having banned all media and propaganda promoting racist beliefs and prohibited any form of segregation. Affirmative action plans have been implemented to aid humans in improving their economic and social status, while reparations were awarded to victims of Aturorist oppression.

Nevertheless, Neo-Aturorists remain a serious threat to the post-Imperial democratic government, continuing to plague the republic throughout the 21st century.

Excellent work Orson! As Novo already mentioned, it’s fascinating seeing how Orsonian supremacist views shifted over time, adapting the the changing times and theories.
