
Region: South Pacific

The Windy Kingdom of Noxious Air

Oh, lighten up, folks. Here are 6 more common maxims disguised in ridiculous wording.

1. Do not dissipate your competence by hebetudinous prodigality lest you subsequently lament an exiguous inadequacy.

2. An addle-pated beetlehead and his specie divaricate with startling prematurity.

3. It can be no other than a maleficent horizontally propelled current of gaseous matter whose portentous advent is not the harbinger of a modicum of beneficence.

4. One should hyper esthetically exercise macrography upon that situs which one will eventually tenant if one propels oneself into the troposphere.

5. Aberation is the hallmark of homo sapaiens while longanimous placability and condonation are the indicia of supramundane omniscience.

Here are the 8 answers:

1. Waste not, want not.
2. A fool and his money are soon parted.
3. 'Tis an ill wind that blows no good.
4. Look before you leap.
5. To err is human, to forgive, divine.
