
Region: Institute of Cellulose

The Masters Host of The Remnants of xeno23

The Holy Roman Empire supplying arms to the UAR would have been just one of the many actions the Empire would have taken as a Co-Belligerent. The Imperium attempted to shell America into a bloody fate of oblivion through their strikes on the civilian and military sectors of the nation. The Imperium hoped to force America to surrender under their might, but as long as the Americans held on, the arms shipments and Imperial involvement would continue. Many Imperial officers would have disagreed on the next plan of action, leading to deliberation about the best course forward.

Consequently, the military minds of the Empire devised a new draft plan, recognizing that simply sending arms wasn't enough to win a war against this formidable threat. The armed forces of the Holy Roman Empire were not considered on par with the rest of the galaxy, as they were untested in large-scale conflicts. After much discussion between the Army and the Navy, it was planned to harass any Imperium supply lines or ships being sent to the planet Ryuten using their fleets. The primary aim was not to fully engage the Imperium's navy at its strongest, but rather to harass them, while also serving the secondary function of probing the Imperium's naval strength for further study. The Empire was keen on understanding how Imperium ships functioned and the types of tactics they would soon face in a frontal offensive in the future. Post-war, it was planned to implement changes for the navy and army based on the effectiveness of their campaigns. The Holy Roman Empire would have dispatched its fleet to scout out the Imperium supply ships or potential routes as they'd raid the lines from relative safety. This would continue to go on as long as it needed to go on. 

North American Imperial State
