
Region: The Interdimensional Community

The Coralinian-Pentarch Dynasty of Empire of Dogetopia

Althanac wrote:

Ben glances over at his friend, and sighs. Another boring educational experience. He knows learning is important…but isn’t the point of a holiday to also have fun? He hopes Minty won’t be too disappointed with this choice of activity.

Soon, the spacecraft lands. As Ben steps off, he is immediately bathed in tropical humidity. Wiping away the beads or sweat that are already forming on his brow, he gazes beyond the sleek, new spaceport, at the treeline. Dugovich was right; there doesn’t seem to be much infrastructure on the planet at all. At least, Ben thought to himself, they would actually get a close-up experience of nature here.

After a short but bumpy bus ride along a dirt track through the forest, the party reaches its destination; a relatively-small, two-storey structure marked ’JUNGLE CRUISE TOURS - VISITOR CENTRE’ nestled amongst the trees. There to greet the party is a short, relatively-rotund man clad in a pith helmet, khaki shorts and a khaki buttoned shirt.

“Hey folks, and welcome to Naturia! I’m Robert Dingle, of the Naturia River Navigation Company, and I will be your guide and skipper on our jungle tour today!”

Robert leads the group through the visitor centre, and to the jetty on the other side. Several small motor launches, their once-brilliant white hulls now peeling and streaked with grime, bob peacefully in the murky waters of the river. Ben looks to Minty, and shrugs before following Robert on board one of the boats…

Minty was sandwiched in between her sister, Phoebe, and Ben. Minty leaned against Ben and looked out the window. The scenes of nature were familiar to her, considering she’d lived most of her life in the Glowing Forest. She wondered if the animals in this jungle were as dangerous as the ones back home.

Behind her, the rest of her family had taken their seats. Albert II, Twin, and Perfection were sitting together. The two little girls were arm wrestling and calling each-other names.

Castelia and Fukami sat together as well with Fuya and Kaori. Kaori was pointing out all of the birds outside, while Fuya giggled happily.

Joseph and his mother, Emma, sat together. Joseph wasn’t bothering to look outside or engage with the activity at all, and was trying to read a book instead. Emma nudged him, and pointed to the window. Joseph sighed and gloomily looked outside.

They then exited the bus, and boarded the boats. Minty, Phoebe, Castelia, Fuya, and Kaori ended up boarding the same boat as Ben. The others got on other boats instead. Minty hung over the railing and stared at the buzzing bugs, fish, and turtles inhabiting the water. She remembered her time living in the forest. She’d hunt fish by using her speed and reflexes to literally snatch them out of the water.

Castelia sat down on a spare seat and watched Minty, Kaori and Fuya. She was carrying a bag of trail mix, in case the kids got hungry. Phoebe sat down next to her and was staring up at the sky. Tropical birds fluttered overhead.

As Minty was thinking, Kaori ran over and climbed on her back. Minty staggered.

“Kaori, I don’t want to give you a kitty back ride right now. I’m trying to watch the turtles.”

Kaori leapt off and ran over to Ben. “Ben, your girlfriend is being a poop head. Go tell her I want a Kittyback ride, right now!”
