
Region: Empire of Andrew

The People's Republic of The Orson Empire

Cybus1 wrote:Great work Orson! Very interesting additions!
I feel as though OIG is either toothless or they take a very “the ends justify the means” approach, seeing as several of their fellow agencies break the law on a semi-regular basis. Then again, a lot of it’s international law rather than Orsonian law, so they probably don’t place as high a priority on that than they do corruption or foreign interference.

Thanks Cybus!

These agencies are actually under considerable scrutiny. In one of my previous posts, Director Cenga complained about the red tape and bureaucracy she's had to deal with ever since the republican government took over- that is essentially the OIG's role.

The OIG is most likely to intervene if an agency commits an illegal act or some sort of misconduct against a normal, law-abiding citizen. OIG officials generally turn a blind eye to misconduct against enemies of the state (Aturorists, anarchists, insurrectionists, terrorists) or foreigners. This is why there was no formal investigation when Naomi Sarota bombed Rapture- the OIG does not care what happens to civilians in Rapture.
