
Region: Sunalaya


The Presidential Republic of Amestrris

Smoya wrote:Thanks for both of your extensive replies! That really helps me better understand how to structure Claudia's approach to the dinner.

That map adjustment would be fine with me!

Most welcome! I'm glad it helps :) I edited my response with the description because I forgot to mention that Amestrris is a democratic, free nation, but the President does not have term limits (theoretically, they can serve for life, but there are still term lengths of 4 years, so there are still elections). I read your factbooks to get a sense/refresh myself on Smoya but feel free to let us know anything you think we should especially pay attention to:) I'll be crafting a response for the Dinner soon :D

On the map expansion - that's great, thanks so much! Would these new borders be ok?:

Overall, I just shifted the border a bit west. On the top half of the western border, I kept the exact same border shape and then just altered the shape on the bottom half of it. Let me know if it works for you :D Also hope I can keep my lil lake lol. I couldn't fill the top in/finish the top part of the border because my own image was cutoff there, haha. I'll let you decide how it terminates:P

Thanks again and hope all is well on your end!
