
Region: The Conservative Democracies


via The New Social Movement

The 2-8 August Ascension Paragon of Markus Sarasti-Varis

Random Goose wrote:I don't think I am the most "Authorized" to send messages around for your embassy with us considering I am only a Cartographer, but I'll proceed
I am sure Markus has already sent you a telegram, but just incase...

Your Embassy Nation, The communitarian crossland, has 2 days till CTE. (Assuming its not on vacation mode)
So I suppose now may be the time to wake up The Crossland

Call me rude, or don't, but I'd prefer for embassy relations to not deteriorate. I may not be an Embassy Officer, but nonetheless I still notify you of this.

We have not been made aware that TCD would be withdrawing from their pact with The New Social Movement, so I can only assume comrade The Crossland will revive said account in due time. Of course, if they find themselves burdened, perhaps our friend Silver-Tree, or one of the other people in TCD, might be inclined to take Crossland's place as the integrated tribute to our community. (Naturally, there is no harm in having more than one, and we can always send out an extra delegation in return.)

Appreciate you taking the opportunity to bring this up comrade Goose. I did not yet get to it until now.

PS: Remember that your secondary position is Community Monitor, which also gives you more reason to involve yourself in situations like these.
