
Region: Chicken overlords

The pechenegs recruiter

You hear several thunderous stomps and the earth rumble around you...within a few seconds you loose your footing and trip over a root arching over the ground and going back in after to it's birthspawn...Then you witness it, an army. An army of horse riders who carry bows and live off the land and are heading westward. You receive an invitation to join their ranks and join them...They are fighting a war that never ends, one against tyranny and the oppressors of their tribe.

Come join our region, The Pechenegs! We are a raider region with new tactics never seen before and invite you to join us! We have an armed forces region, The Pecheneng Armed Forces. If your not into raiding, we also have defending and anti-fascist missions!
Make sure to read our rules, known as The Little White Book.
Join our RP, The Fall of Civilization, based in 600 AD!

Please note: We will now be recruiting as well on RMBs of regions with the "recruiter freindly" tag
