
Region: Dreams of Good Hope


via Cape of Good Hope

The Intergalactic Federation of Roxium

Azulakas wrote:*SNIP*

Aerlanica wrote:*SNIP*


Those observing the submarine's cameras would see a mangled mess of flesh, bone, and metal. What ever this thing is, it's very much NOT Roxium, as its design does not match any Roxium ship designs Azulakas has seen, not to mention that it seems to make use of exotic biotechnology the Roxium Federation does not posses. On an armor plate on a badly damaged long spaceship-like object mounted near the root of the partially detached wing, what seems to be an identification code is written. It reads "Autonomous Battle Ark G11F81". No markings identifying who built or owns it are found, but at least they can rule out the Roxium Federation. As its body has been partially split in two, the submarine is able to peer inside.
It's starting to become somewhat clear on what caused its demise as most of the damage seems to not be the result of its crash landing. Some time before the reports of it falling from the sky, there was some kind of explosion in the orbital space just east of Azulakas, meaning something shot it down.

Scrap Rats

"I think we have a misunderstanding." says CK. "I have no intentions of threatening you or anyone else in this room. The security detail is only here to protect me! As long as none of your people shoot, the security detail won't do anything." In response to CK's words, the two heavily armed cloaked Cicada agents lower their weapons, which have remained on yellow status since they first entered the lab. Yellow status means the safety lock is disengaged but the actual fire safety is still engaged, meaning the weapons will not fire when the trigger is pulled.
"As a show of good will, I'm ordering my security detail to stand down." says CK before he says something in Pogashanese. The air shimmers again as the two agents partially uncloak, allowing the people in the room to see them putting their weapons to green status before holstering them. Green status means both the safety lock and fire safety is engaged. When engaged, the safety lock prevents the fire safety from being disengaged. Engaging the safety lock will also force the fire safety to engage.
"To be honest, I'm under quiet a bit of stress. Cicada Command wants Iblion dead as soon as possible, preferably BEFORE he destroys Augusta. You have no idea how stressful trying to prevent your world's destruction is. He's already wiped out chunks of both the Roxium Augusta Territory and Monsone, killing well over a million people in the process."

