
Region: The Bar on the corner of every region


East lodge

Zany Zanes wrote:
Thank you, and good luck to you moving forward on your engineering path. That's all very cool stuff and one of humanity's many important paths into the future. Much respect to you! :)

Thanks. I'm restless today. I want to go to the library, but I'll do that later I guess. I want to go somewhere new and study just high school stuff. Like literally just homework. Then I want to work on test prep, and coding. Maybe French, but I don't want to learn French. I do it for rp. I want to learn more German, Spanish, Latin, and Tagalog. Maybe Japanese. I want to pick one to work on for now. I want to to German. It's my favorite one on the list. Spanish is the most useful, but I don't like it much. Tagalog is fun, and it has Spanish and Japanese roots. I would be able to understand anime with no subtitles if i could speak Japanese. I need to brush my teeth really badly. I started writing a novel in German, but it's not working too well. I could write a children's book instead of an adult novel. I'd just have to draw some pictures and I could have an easy children's story. My other novels and screenplays are going good, but I'm focusing more on school, test prep, and coding. Which is 1/3 a lie. Im gonna start working on coding again soon. Busy busy busy but having fun learning
