
Region: Pony Lands


The Principality of Trotterdam

Okay, the trade fair is up, and from what I can tell, the "inspections and confiscations" are basically the main gameplay. It's basically a game of stealing and back-stealing, and from what I can tell, little to no way to generate new goods other than stealing them, except for a small number of goods that you spawn with when you start playing.

It's possible to stash goods in your region. This is permanent, stashed goods cannot be retrieved, but they also can't be stolen, and serve as trophies to show off how much stuff you've won (but only shows in certain themes).

The available goods are:
Gas Centrifuges
Tractor Parts
Humanitarian Potatoes
Inspector Uniforms
Coffee Beans
Gold Bullion
Patriotic Flags
Shipping Containers
Sticky Labels

Several goods have useful applications:
Inspector Uniforms help you perform inspections faster.
Sticky Labels help you stash goods faster.
Shipping Crates probably help you ship goods to other nations faster, but I've never actually done that.
Kittens and Patriotic Flags protect you against inspections. However, they don't protect against themselves being confiscated, even though they protect against each other being confiscated.
As far as I can tell, the other 7 goods have no use other than collecting them for bragging rights.
