
Region: Faxitar


The Unified State of Pancanawe Empire

The Collapse of Ariela:
Following Ariela's Royal betrayal, The Empire invades Ariela following a 2 months Invasion of Ariela that took place from December 29th 1021 unto February 1st 1022, with now their Capital City being march unto the King and Queen are soon thrown into prison where they will rot until the end of The Great War.

The Empire intervenes by joining Stalliongrad in the war against Crystal Empire:
Not just intervention at the same time Stalliongrad joins the Truth Alliance by now beginning to push back where the invaders Crystal Empire came from, the Crystal-Stalliongradian War that grinds for 4 months have been one of the most tiring wars in the History of Faxitar, following their recent joinings on The Truth Alliance, The Empire have been besetting to not let communism take over but also preserving the one communist nation in there which is Stalliongrad, thus Crystal Empire have also beginning to look for help which they found in Equestria who began to sent their ponies unto the Southern border.
