
Region: TIC Nation Creation Contest

The 10000 Islands Charity of Taco-Island-Charities

Day 4: Thirteen nations enter, but ten will not survive. Who will they be?

Today's World Census Report is on the largest insurance industries. In Dusty Sandals, Islands Of Ventro, and Taungu's puppets, insurance is seen as a form of weakness and cowardice. In Liberdon, HumanSanity, and Moaning Lisa's puppets, the state provides health insurance, car insurance, home insurance, pet insurance, and even nation-creation-contest insurance instead. And in Ovkianos, Proctethia, Kingdom of Circle of Magi, and Burikinia's puppets, the stoic populace just sighs and embraces their ennui whenever they lose money or suffer misfortune. It's off to TRR for them!

Out of those who entered, we're down to the top three—Conexia, Beausoleil, and Frattastan iv—who are are all guaranteed prizes!

Three nations remain after Day 3. Who will win? Stay tuned!

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