
Region: Republic of Conservative Nations


The Empire of West Phoenicia

Napa santa rosa wrote:When you willingly tolerate homophobic bigots then yes it's a representation of what this region accepts and is.

Whatever region is without sin can cast the first stone.
So you better sit down considering you were ok with a members who were in your region, who had a history of anti-Semitic and homophobic remarks

We do not tolerate it. We do not bring out cupcakes when people make those remarks. When its a member with a trollish ignorant history and they cross the line they are removed.

Others who may make questionable statements will find they are engaged by members, to share, why they think that statement is true, then engage in dialogue. (Like Atty does)

We do not all come from the same countries in the world. Not every culture thinks and acts the same.
Instead of just banning someone, who is not here to troll. Instead if it's a belief that goes on in their home nation. We should listen before we label them as to actually understand why they think the way they do.

Some people are quick to label. Pretty ignorant.

Not everyone in the world is an "enlightened westerner"

Some of us here like to have a discussion with them as to why they think the way they do. Nothing wrong with understanding the way other cultures think and act.
Doesn't mean we agree with that thought process, but still give them the time to hear them out.

Examples could be, why the dislike the LGBTI+, why polygamy is good. Why they are ok with forcing women to wear the Burka .

We advise them, this is what this region supports or doesn't support.

If they are still going to mouth off after that and use this as a platform for what the majority dont believe, they are removed or move onto a region that better shares their ideals.
