
Region: Institute of Cellulose

The Democratic State of Wechaiyae

Tranzoria wrote:Alternate Account Mapping Act
Goals: To prevents too many Alternate Accounts of main nations from claiming spots on maps to use for later, unfair purposes
-A check on puppets of nations with the updated puppet/alternate account list once a new nation registers for ANY map, even if claims are on different planets then others
-A ban on more than 3 puppet nations registering map claims at
-An offer given to the main account of a player to choose two alts to keep if they have registered over than the maximum
-Only land the size of around the nation of Yemen given to alt accounts' map claims

Signed, the Nuke-happy Oregonians of Tranzoria

if you want this,
here it is
I am not updating it anymore,
so take the code if you want
