
Region: The Fallout Wasteland


The Raveners of Gravelton

New-confederate states wrote:Once again the soldier reported to Secretary Monroe: "They're moving slowly, with no intent to hide their position, either they're the most stupid raiders I'd ever seen or they are not looking for a fight, Sir."
Monroe slowly raised from his praying spot: "Very well, bring me to this wastelanders, so we can seek what they want. I need 40 men with me, and pray Bragg, may he be blessed, all will be fine."
The Secretary would wait alongside his escort on for the foreigners, placing around a pair of miles ahead of where the others had been seen the last time, everyone eyes in the direction the wastelanders would arrive.

Despite noticing the large group of armed soldiers via the Securitate officer's binoculars, the party pressed on and continued to the seemingly laid out meeting area. As they approached into hailing distance, the Securitate and Emissariat teams prepared for two very different responses and a low whine could be heard humming through the air. Finally, the Emissary called out, "Hello there, come to greet us have you? Apologies for not calling ahead, we have no news of your ability to hear our calls over the radio and the Presidium chose to dispatch us instead of risking yelling into the wind."
