
Region: The Democratic Union

The red shinobi

We can begin the exodus at any time now. The only we run into is that approximately 4 nations may not know what the plan is since they've been inactive for 3-10 days. So, that means we could be waiting a couple of weeks for them either to die or move elsewhere (and hopefully move back). The longer we have to wait, the more risk we incur in the event that the founder revives and returns. Best case is that this time next week, we're all moving back here. Several variants on a worst case scenario too. Most likely case, to me, is that we're waiting for approximately three weeks for the region to clear out and then we can come back and get to work.

I'd urge you not to be despondent or grow demoralized over that timeframe. Even downtime like that can be productive as we look to begin anew with a new plan for the direction of the region. We can use that time to build a new charter/constitution, build a foreign policy plan, reinvent how we govern ourselves and communicate away from the RMB.

I'm rooting for this place and for you. In the meantime, since I take ownership for this idea, I will make the first move out of the region and wait for the appropriate time to return and hopefully see Girada (as we have agreed) as this region's new founder going forward. The DU will win.

Farewell for a moment. I will be returning to The Guardian Patriot Alliance and all are welcomed there until we make the next step forward.

