
Region: Ile de France



The Highlander 1 wrote:Well NationStates got taken down by a 17 year old kid out to end the streak.

As he used a few defenders they now want to take all the credit.

Hypocrisy never ends


So, after punching the clock I decided to wander over to the NS RMB and take a gander at the discourse immediately after the "raid" (done only to reset Mike's count, although it's clear there were other players involved for their own agendas).

Was interested in the TGs sent to natives from a "concerned defender," who took the position, essentially, that the region had it coming because, you know, Mike's evil-raider backstory — and that the natives might want to consider that when their security is at issue. So, basically, trying to gin-up a little good-old-fashioned "January 6" style insurrection. Do we think the nation was involved in the raid? Absolutely; the post was tapped-out with the "smug" filter on. He also bungled major historical points about this very region (which I've called home now since I first came to the game in 2003), but that's just nitpicking. It's kind of fun to think others thought this is/was some great raider sleeper-cell region, and I've no energy or desire to disabuse them of that notion.

Of note, and filed under the category of, "Gee, how am I not surprised," the "concerned" nation sending the TGs was commended by the WA (everyone loves badges) in part for being "…an important participant in the Founderless Regions Alliance (FRA), an organisation dedicated to the protection and stabilisation of founderless regions across NationStates."

The irony drips from the screen.
