
Region: The Fallout Wasteland

The Raveners of Gravelton

Smartiepantses wrote:Akatine smirked and nodded.

”Accursed hm? What a wild reinterpretation of my divinity. I accept these terms, so long as the same respect is shown and upheld for the absolute and the followers under my guidance as well. As for my Voice, it is a divine gift granted from the skies and stars above, I cannot control hearing what lies within the brains of mortals but communication will be respected and disengaged amongst the lands of Gravelton for those who are not worthy of its blessing as the same for those who avoid it.”

Akatine has been gifted with telepathy for years and has mastered its abilities. He is able to aim a telepathic field to only reach the direct contact’s ears, ignoring everyone else nearby or around the desired entity. He communicated to his followers, speaking through his gift.

”Fear not my brothers and sisters, for these people of Gravelton are ones of peace. They are confused and scared of our divine presence. Ease.”

The Saints at that very moment clearly loosened up and let their guard down, trusting the demi-god’s word.

Columbia, Protectorate of Gravelton

The rider tilted their head, stating, "If you can not control your own gift, then you shall not enter the lands of the Protector, for the minds of his people are to be theirs and theirs alone. That you would think to enter our lands uncaring of the sanctity of our inner Voices speaks much, He-Who-Speaks, and little of it good. For the good of all, I say again: you shan't enter. You and you alone are barred from our lands.'. The Cadet and his Cadre were blank faced, in the manner of those contemplating murder, and obviously very, very displeased with the idea of Akatine reading their minds.
