
Region: Bluecrown Keep

The République Barltave of Barlyy

Ethics committee of the scpf wrote:Smh

just because he thought /s meant sarcasm (which it isn't, i'm not sure what it is but it is apparently something for neurodivergient people) and he thought that people using it made no sense (one again, because he thought /s meant sarcasm). Some people pointed out that /s didnt mean sarcasm, he apologized right after, and even though the neurodivergent people forgived TheOdd1sOut, some white girls claiming to be neurodivergent, that actually aren't, made some dumb comments, says he attacked them, blah blah blah. tl;dr twitter sux

Dominioan, The dream of kirby, Sorianora, and Ethics committee of the scpf
