
Region: Topid

Ioraqus recruitment office

Hello dear friend!

Due to this region being tagged "Recruiter-Friendly", it has been selected for our every-now-and-then RMB campaign!

We would like to invite you to Ioraqus. Here at Ioraqus we have plenty of RP opportunities, a flexible timeline at the moment, and three different communities! Raider/Defender, Casual, and Roleplay! We have a "community" for everyone!

We are also quite new, but we have relatively experienced NSers, meaning you can get far ahead right now! You can aim for a position in politics, the military, or try to be such a good roleplayer you make it to the upper tiers of the Powers List!

Don't delay, move to Ioraqus today!

Note: If you wish to establish an embassy, please do request one.
