
by The Office of Afro Founder. . 204 reads.

[CLOSED] 2022 Founder's Day Polandball Contest

🇲🇱 2022 Founder's Day Polandball Contest 🇲🇱

Hujambo! To celebrate 19 Years of Africa, we will be holding a contest!
What kind of contest? A Polandball contest! For those of you unfamiliar with Polandball, they are crudely drawn (emphasis on crude) comics that depict countries as balls using broken English and getting to all sorts of stereotypical wackiness.
Simply draw your comic or artwork, upload it to an image host, and post it in the RMB as a dispatch. The top three entries will win one of three levels on NS trading cards!

The deadline to enter is May 25th and the winner will be declared on Founder's Day, which is May 28th.

This dispatch will display all of the entries so be sure to check back regularly!

  1. You must have an artwork or comic.

  2. Any comic or artwork submitted after the due date will not be accepted

  3. You are encouraged but not required to use Microsoft Paint or similar programs for your entry.

  4. If you need some inspiration, you may reference an existing comic as a template.

  5. It is highly recommended that you use imgur.com as your image host.

  6. Remember, it's your entry, be creative as you like!

If there are any questions or concerns, please message Mombombu or Lower Nubia



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The Office of Afro Founder

