Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Eccentric Skies of Luna State

“Astra inclinant, sed non obligant.”

Category: Liberal Democratic Socialists
Civil Rights:
Very Good
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Page

Location: Osiris



Bad Fanfic. Yes I hate it too.

My name is Rose river holly raven Emerald Diamand stark. I’m 14 years old, and my mom’s Aphrodite! My dad’s name is Tony stark! I go to camp half blood and no one knows how rich I am, so they’re all super mean because They don’t know how pretty i am too. I wlked to the lake, listening to my favorite band MCR. all of suden this huge moster comes out of the forest and runs toward me! I pick up my sword and run at and stab it and kill it! And i got blood all on myclothes! But then the Chiron comes over, and he said, “Rose! That was the monster from the prophicy, you are the chosen one to save the world! yo u have to go talk to the ocacle! So i wlked upstairs, and there was dan and phil! Rose holly raven River Emerald diamond Stark! We heard you’re totally awesome and we want you to be on our channel, except there chanel was actually a secret portal to Hogwarts! and then hermione granger ran up to me and kissed me! And she said that dumbludore wanted to meat me to give me the house cup! and she said that my dad went there! And then i wore this pretty gold dress, with really expensive gold earrings and they played MCR! and then hermiene said she loved me, and everyone clapped! Nd we went back to camp nd all the other girls were super jealous, and i was super popular.
