Worlds of Colors

Governor: The Colours of Cuuleurzfhaizi

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Colours of Cuuleurzfhaizi

Last WA Update:

Most Patriotic: 19th Largest Furniture Restoration Industry: 37th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 65th+34
Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 69th Largest Agricultural Sector: 70th Largest Manufacturing Sector: 79th Largest Basket Weaving Sector: 107th Highest Disposable Incomes: 173rd Most Corrupt Governments: 176th Most Devout: 176th Healthiest Citizens: 183rd Highest Average Incomes: 246th Most Nations: 268th Lowest Crime Rates: 292nd Largest Information Technology Sector: 308th Largest Mining Sector: 312th Largest Cheese Export Sector: 333rd Largest Black Market: 366th Most Armed: 412th Highest Wealthy Incomes: 433rd Most Efficient Economies: 472nd Highest Poor Incomes: 476th Most Scientifically Advanced: 544th Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 561st Smartest Citizens: 767th Best Weather: 857th Most Popular Tourist Destinations: 918th Most Subsidized Industry: 1,018th Most Advanced Defense Forces: 1,024th Most Developed: 1,031st Largest Governments: 1,064th Most Inclusive: 1,118th Highest Economic Output: 1,203rd Highest Food Quality: 1,692nd Largest Soda Pop Sector: 1,919th Most Advanced Public Education: 2,110th Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 2,416th
World Factbook Entry

Colors are infinite

We, the nation of colors, do not have any real goal

  1. 73

    fast easter egg guide

    MetaGameplay by Fauzjhia . 3,614 reads.

Embassies: Guinea Kiribati, Gypsy Lands, The Embassy, Fredonia, Oneid, Sauzsialislhe Canazbha, The Great Universe, and matheo.

Tags: Enormous and Password.

Regional Power: High

Worlds of Colors contains 121 nations, the 268th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Largest Black Market in Worlds of Colors

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, Worlds of Colors is ranked 366th in the world for Largest Black Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Rogue Nation of SazlaciaPsychotic Dictatorship“There are lot of fine fruits around here”
2.The Colours of FhaszlheliaPsychotic Dictatorship“Colour has no limit”
3.The Colours of RuuzjiaAuthoritarian Democracy“Colour has no limit”
4.The Colours of BraunzshiaMoralistic Democracy“Colour has no limit”
5.The Colours of NhazraunishiaFather Knows Best State“Colour has no limit”
6.The Colours of RhiauzliniaPsychotic Dictatorship“Colour has no limit”
7.The Colour of FranzbuasheriaPsychotic Dictatorship“Colour has no limit”
8.The Colours of NhazrinishiaAuthoritarian Democracy“Colour has no limit”
9.The Colours of LhinzbeurzuuaulfIron Fist Consumerists“Colour has no limit”
10.The Colours of JhrenazbiniaDemocratic Socialists“Colour has no limit”
1234. . .1213»

Regional Happenings


Worlds of Colors Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

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