West Corvinia

Premier (Governor): The Theocracy of West Corvinia Regional Government

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Theocracy of West Corvinia Regional Government

Last WA Update:

Most Nations: 1,570th
World Factbook Entry

Located right next to Corvinia, this region is a hotbed for democracy, civil liberties, and freedom.

Embassies: Trinity Legion, Corvinian Conlang Union, Corvinian Archipelago Railway Services, Shalibvia, United Archipelago Commission, Texel, Corvinia, Lelaris, Corvinian Spanish Zone, True Waskaria, Guinea Kiribati, The Embassy, Vulture of War, World of Polls, Fredonia, Metropolitan Union, and 25 others.Weirdos Are Cool, Mobius, O Brasil, The Northern Union, Celtic Lands of Europe and Colonies, Mitteleuropa, Nation states logic, The Angularis, The Bar on the corner of every region, RealTacoMan Frontier, The Bongos United, Auremont, Ticino, Lardyland, Roses With Thorns, United States of America, Chocolate territory, Ancient Lands, Dispatchia, East Shalibvia, Pecan Sandies, The Blanket of White, Raxulan Empire, FIFA Lands, and The Socialist Republic.

Tags: Medium and Regional Government.

West Corvinia contains 15 nations, the 1,570th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Nicest Citizens in West Corvinia

World Census sociology experts studied citizens from various nations to determine which seemed most friendly and concerned for others.

As a region, West Corvinia is ranked 6,706th in the world for Nicest Citizens.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Colony of Western ArmatonisdaristanDemocratic Socialists“Glory to Armatonisdaristan! / Official delegate to WC”
2.The Theocracy of West Corvinia Regional GovernmentLeft-wing Utopia“All Hail Corvinia!”
3.The Colony of West Corvinian Football ConfederationLeft-wing Utopia“Currently WIP!”
4.The Democratic Republic of Austral Democratic RepublicInoffensive Centrist Democracy“For our fair Austral!”
5.The Colony of Western PacheNew York Times Democracy“მე-2 პდრ-ის საზღვარგარეთული ტერიტორია”
6.The Sultanate of TaletiaNew York Times Democracy“Kä buɔ̱mdɛ kä Talɛtia!”
7.The United Socialist States of Al-TadilyaPsychotic Dictatorship“One Country, Secure With Allah”
8.The Constitutional Monarchy of Coirbhia CeilteachCorporate Police State“Glòir do Thìrean Ceilteach Coirbhianach!”
9.The Commonwealth of ToldanariaCorporate Police State“Nɔɔrɔ ka kɛ Toldanaria ye!”
10.The Democratic States of NazantaNew York Times Democracy“For all Nazanta’s might!”

Regional Happenings


West Corvinia Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

The Democratic Republic of Austral Democratic Republic

wsg, this is Austral’s new democratic government

The Democratic States of Nazanta

On Outer Armatonisdaristan’s behalf, I would have asked you to vote in the Corvinian RO elections… but he’s locked it to nations in Corvinia.

The Theocracy of West Corvinia Regional Government

Our government and structure is now fully set up.

The Commonwealth of Toldanaria

Free Kerimsmer wrote:FREE KERIMSMER!!!

And Palestine

via Corvinia

The Confederacy of Noyazena

Austral Democratic Republic wrote:wsg, this is Austral’s new democratic government

Like Austral Stalinist States but democratic?

Forum View