Artificial Intelligence Feature taken out of submarine. Stealth Feature taken out of submarine. Electronic Warfare capabilities taken out of submarine. 800 Million USD
i announce a alliance with all the nations that played a part in the war with NewWadiya. It is a mix of what NATO and European Union are. those nations include Vulcravia, United Mexico States and Anarchinsatan . You can tell me more nations that contrubuted in the war and i could add them.
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All names, products, and quotes listed above are protected by international law.
Awaiting Approval From:
- High Ranking Official of NSUK (Waiting) - Roleplay Operations Council ✅️ (United Mexico States)
Yes sure, Would You Like To Create Your Own Preamble = We Would Have To Wait Accept My Preamble = Alliance Effective Immediately Decline My Preamble = Alliance Will Not Happen Also, When allied, you need to accept my Secretariat of Foreign Affairs Passport and VISA.
Yes your correct. Though I am Co owned (I mean, I'm my own nation. But I ask both WSTDR and UMS for permission for pretty much factbook templates.....) And I'm located inside the UMS, headquartered in CD. Juárez.
I haven't released my tax report yet (Dispatch I'll be making in the end of January).
Mexican Travel Advisory Association Mexico Is OPEN To All Allies Currently
- -
Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
Passport Strength: Is determined by the number of states that let the bearer of a passport pass through their borders freely for temporary and/or permanent stays. The Mexican Pass strength is: 2
The United Mexico States has signed bilateral agreements with several countries, allowing for simplified travel arrangements and increased economic cooperation. These agreements include:
Atlantis-Anastasia Does Not Impose Visa Permanently, (Does not have to show VISA or Passport at arrival or before). - United Celtics Does Not Impose Visa. Free Travel (Also meaning Travel is free with no cost, and you do not have to show VISA or Passport at arrival or before). - Sea1and Does Not Impose Visa. Free Travel (Also meaning Travel is free with no cost, and you do not have to show VISA or Passport at arrival or before).
VISA/Passport Agreements: United Mexico States has signed a bill for people with a Mexican Passport, or an endorsed passport from another nation for travel and increases economic cooperation. These agreements includes: N R Land
eTA Agreements: United Mexico States has signed a bill that makes a Passport/VISA to act like a digital visa, allowing entry to a country without needing to physically present a visa at the border. These agreements includes: Western Sur Texas Democratic Republic
Allies of UMS -
United Celtics Alliance Since June ??, 2024 (RP Year: 2110)
N R Land Alliance Since November 20th, 2024 (RP Year: 2199)
Steamstate Alliance Since January 7th, 2025 (RP Year: April 20th, 2201)
Sea1and Alliance Since January 8th, 2025 (RP Year: April 26th, 2201)
Pending Alliance: None
Preamble of every Past, Current, Future Alliances of the United Mexico States:
We, the sovereign representatives of the United Mexico States, united in purpose and commitment, hereby proclaim this Alliance Treaty as a testament to our collective aspirations for peace, prosperity, and mutual respect among nations.
Recognizing the diverse cultures, histories, and values of our allied nations, we seek to foster a spirit of camaraderie and collaboration, building a framework that promotes security, economic advancement, and cultural exchange among us. We acknowledge that our strength lies in our unity, and it is through collaboration that we can address the challenges of our time.
The Alliances is founded upon the principles of diplomacy, equality, and shared responsibility. Each member of this alliance stands as an equal partner, committed to supporting one another in times of need and striving for the betterment of our collective populace.
We affirm our dedication to maintaining open lines of communication, ensuring that every member has a voice in the decisions that affect our alliance. Together, we will strive to resolve conflicts peacefully and uphold the values of democracy, justice, and human rights.
Through these Alliances, we envision a future where our nations thrive together, leveraging our resources, knowledge, and experiences for the benefit of all. We will work collectively to promote economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social equity, affirming that our shared prosperity is intricately linked to the well-being of each nation involved.
Let it be known that this Preamble serves as the foundational ethos of all treaties entered into by the United Mexico States and its allies, emphasizing our unwavering commitment to collaboration, solidarity, and the pursuit of a harmonious global community.
In witness whereof, we hereby affirm our commitment to this Alliance Treaty, laying the groundwork for enduring friendships and joint endeavors that will stand the test of time. - - - Preamble: In recognition of our shared values and common interests, the United Mexico States and any alliance hereby establish an alliance to promote mutual cooperation, peace, and prosperity.
Article I: Objectives The parties commit to working together to achieve the following objectives: 1. Maintain peace and security in our respective regions. 2. Foster economic collaboration and trade to benefit both nations. 3. Support each other in international forums and organizations.
Article II: Commitment to Defense 1. Both nations agree to come to each other's aid in the event of an armed attack against either party. 2. Each nation will consult with the other regarding military actions that may affect the alliance.
Article III: Economic Cooperation 1. The nations will explore trade agreements to eliminate tariffs and promote economic growth. 2. Joint ventures will be encouraged to enhance productivity and investment.
Article IV: Cultural Exchange 1. The nations will promote cultural exchange programs to foster understanding and friendship among our citizens. 2. Annual events will be organized to celebrate our cultures and strengthen people-to-people ties.
Article V: Duration and Amendments 1. The alliance between UMS and the other nation shall remain in effect until either party wishes to withdraw, with a written notice of three months required. 2. Amendments to this treaty may be made by mutual agreement of both parties.
Conclusion: We, the representatives of United Mexico States and any alliance in the future, hereby affirm our commitment to this alliance, desiring to strengthen our nations and contribute to a more harmonious world.
**United Mexico States Visa Policy**
The United Mexico States is committed to maintaining a strong and secure border while promoting economic growth, cultural exchange, and tourism. This visa policy outlines the rules and regulations for foreign nationals seeking to enter, live, work, or study in the UMS.
**Visa Exemptions**
+ Holders of a valid residence permit or long-stay visa issued by a Schengen country
+ Children under the age of 20, traveling with their parents or guardians
+ Diplomatic personnel and their families
* Citizens and Nationals of all other countries require a visa to enter the UMS.
**Visa Categories**
1. **Tourist Visa**: For travelers visiting the UMS for leisure, tourism, or social purposes.
2. **Business Visa**: For foreigners visiting the UMS for business purposes, such as conferences, meetings, or trade agreements.
3. **Student Visa**: For foreign students enrolled in an accredited educational institution in the UMS.
4. **Work Visa**: For foreigners seeking to work in the UMS, including employment contracts or freelance work.
5. **Residence Visa**: For foreigners seeking to live in the UMS for more than 90 days.
* The United Mexico States reserves the right to deny or revoke any VISA/eTA/Citizenship/Residential application if deemed necessary.
* Travelers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations while in the UMS.
* This policy is subject to change without notice.
*All Ages Are Treated With Respect. There Is No Discrimination. There Is No Racism. There Is No Hate To LGBTQ+. ALL Religious Cults and/or Sacrifice Groups Are Banned From UMS. All Other Groups Or Organizations That Do Not Involve In Hate Or Harmful Activity Shall Not Be Treated Badly. This Subject Goes On For 600 Pages But Can NOT Fit Here.
Note** All Travelers and Nations Must Comply To The Following Dispatch In Order To Make Openings To Mexico Possible: page=dispatch/id=2581279 = All Mexican Airports Are Open To Only Allies. - -