Union of Like Minded Social Pioneers

Governor: The Democratic Republic of of Bananasgeorg

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Democratic Republic of of Bananasgeorg

Last WA Update:

Most Nations: 2,010th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the ULMSP! Here in the Union, we believe:

1) Progressivism and conservatism can go hand in hand (although liberals are welcome here)
2) A goal-oriented and pioneering group of like-minded activists are the key to solving the world's most pressing problems
3) All political ideologies have at least a certain level of truth to them, and tolerance is key to a prosperous society

Embassies: True Waskaria.

Tags: Medium.

Union of Like Minded Social Pioneers contains 11 nations, the 2,010th most in the world.


Today's World Census Report

The Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry in Union of Like Minded Social Pioneers

The World Census measured the rate of desertification in order to calculate which nations have the largest timber industry.

As a region, Union of Like Minded Social Pioneers is ranked 7,655th in the world for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Republic of Durrnil 74Father Knows Best State“God, Homeland, Liberty”
2.The Empire of Finite abelian groupsInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Join The Order of the Grey Wardens!”
3.The Republic of Eternal Tourist TrapInoffensive Centrist Democracy“daxtastic”
4.The Dominion of CaparandiCapitalist Paradise“Success is measured in dollars.”
5.The Sultanate of MorudoIron Fist Consumerists“To hell with communism.”
6.The Republic of GU 58th FleetInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Unity, Discipline, Work”
7.The Protectorate of MonteloMoralistic Democracy“Without God is nothing”
8.The Republic of Panzer Vor 61Moralistic Democracy“Strength Through Compliance”
9.The Republic of Chickenlandian MilitiaCivil Rights Lovefest“For The Grey Wardens!”
10.The Democratic Republic of of BananasgeorgInoffensive Centrist Democracy“ኢትዮጵያ ታበፅዕ እደዊሃ ሐበ እግዚኣብሔር”

Regional Happenings


Union of Like Minded Social Pioneers Regional Message Board

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.

The Democratic Republic of of Bananasgeorg

Get endorsing! We need some representation in the WA. Vote for your pick!

The Republic of Kyorgan

Vote for me please.

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